Newbie - Plans for my new A. Avic habitat


Dec 16, 2004
I've been reading the forums and other T sites for a couple weeks now, and I think I'm ready to get my first T. I'm planning on getting an Avic. Avicularia, hopefully a juvenille at this upcoming Midwest Reptile Show being held in Indianapolis the day after Christmas. If I can't find one there, I may try an online dealer or try to find a good exotic pet store in the Bloomington or Indianapolis area (any recommendations?).

My idea for their enclosure is to modify a 10-gallon fishtank, turning it on end to give him/her more height, like this:

Thanks - They're great if you need free image hosting.

Substrate will be potting soil so live plants can live in the enclosure. I'll be including a couple driftwood branches for climbing as well, and a jar lid with pebbles in it as a water dish.

I assume there aren't any specific plants that are irritating or problematic for tarantulas?
Are a thermometer and/or humidity meter recommended?
Will the water dish be sufficient for keeping humidity up?
Outside of removing any uneaten prey parts, how much cleaning is involved? Will it be necessary to remove/replace ALL of the potting soil, and if so how often?
Any advice on preventing mold growth? Seems tough for such a humid and warm environment.
Any other advice or something I've missed here?

Also, I was hoping to find good pics of arboreal T habitat setups by other hobbyists, but didn't have much luck, even in this thread on that very topic. Please feel free to post any pics of your enclosures in this thread or the one I just linked.

Thanks so much!


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2004
Decapod73 said:
I've been reading the forums and other T sites for a couple weeks now, and I think I'm ready to get my first T. I'm planning on getting an Avic. Avicularia, hopefully a juvenille at this upcoming Midwest Reptile Show being held in Indianapolis the day after Christmas. If I can't find one there, I may try an online dealer or try to find a good exotic pet store in the Bloomington or Indianapolis area (any recommendations?).

My idea for their enclosure is to modify a 10-gallon fishtank, turning it on end to give him/her more height, like this:

Thanks - They're great if you need free image hosting.

Substrate will be potting soil so live plants can live in the enclosure. I'll be including a couple driftwood branches for climbing as well, and a jar lid with pebbles in it as a water dish.

I assume there aren't any specific plants that are irritating or problematic for tarantulas?
Are a thermometer and/or humidity meter recommended?
Will the water dish be sufficient for keeping humidity up?
Outside of removing any uneaten prey parts, how much cleaning is involved? Will it be necessary to remove/replace ALL of the potting soil, and if so how often?
Any advice on preventing mold growth? Seems tough for such a humid and warm environment.
Any other advice or something I've missed here?

Also, I was hoping to find good pics of arboreal T habitat setups by other hobbyists, but didn't have much luck, even in this thread on that very topic. Please feel free to post any pics of your enclosures in this thread or the one I just linked.

Thanks so much!

Thats sounds like a good idea. If you use potting soil as substrate, make sure there is no chemicals in it such as mericle grow, or anything like that. I believe that most of us use peat moss as substrate. Good Luck


Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
I have seen this done on several occasions. I would go with artificial plants myself. As far as humidity goes a water dish goes a long way and is really all you need IME. Keep your substrate fairly dry and you won't have any mold which would be hard to do with live plants unless you left them in pots.
A thermometer would be nice but I don't think a hygrometer is necessary. I keep 22 tarantulas and I have never checked the humidity. I just keep a water dish and that's all.
You don't have to clean the tank very ofter maybe 1-2 times a year. Ts are much easier to care for than herps. So I think keeping everything simple is the way to go.

Hope that Helps

Welcome to the Boards :cool:


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2004
Decapod73 said:
I've been reading the forums and other T sites for a couple weeks now, and I think I'm ready to get my first T. I'm planning on getting an Avic. Avicularia, hopefully a juvenille...

My idea for their enclosure is to modify a 10-gallon fishtank, turning it on end to give him/her more height.

Substrate will be potting soil so live plants can live in the enclosure. I'll be including a couple driftwood branches for climbing as well, and a jar lid with pebbles in it as a water dish.

I assume there aren't any specific plants that are irritating or problematic for tarantulas?
Are a thermometer and/or humidity meter recommended?
Will the water dish be sufficient for keeping humidity up?
Outside of removing any uneaten prey parts, how much cleaning is involved? Will it be necessary to remove/replace ALL of the potting soil, and if so how often?
Any advice on preventing mold growth? Seems tough for such a humid and warm environment.
Any other advice or something I've missed here?

Also, I was hoping to find good pics of arboreal T habitat setups by other hobbyists, but didn't have much luck, even in this thread on that very topic. Please feel free to post any pics of your enclosures in this thread or the one I just linked.

Thanks so much!
Welcome to the boards. I'm glad you're asking all the right questions, and that it's before you get your T. A.avic. is a very good starter. Each T is an individual, but for the most part Avics. are calm, some can be skittish but not bitey or hairkickers...and beautiful to boot.

As for your questions. Here goes...

A 10 gallon on it's end is more than adequate once a T reaches a certain size. And your choice of substrate is pretty much personal preference. I personally use a 50/50 mix of peat moss and vermiculite.
Just an inch or two in the 10 gallon, to cover the bottom and anchor some cork least one big piece for a hide is okay. Anything more is decoration and up to you.
I'd say no live plants. Fake plants if you want them. Maybe one thermometer for the whole room... if you keep them in normal room temperatures 72-78, they're fine. No hygrometer, unless you spend a crazy amount for a digital "professional" unit, they highly inaccurate. A water dish, and i.m.o. for an arboreal occaisional misting; on the back of the tank is my preference. It hides the waterspots, is fine for humidity levels. They get most of what they need from their prey.
Avics. are notorious crappers. My other Avic.sp. leaves skid mark trails after every meal. Other than the once or twice a year substrate change (that's just i.m.e.), cleaning the water dish every so often (I "mist" it clean in my more agressive species, you can do the same with no worries. Just watch for drowned prey),and food remains the poop is it. It can go as long as you don't like it. Just remember that you going into it's tank to clean or catch it does stress it, so you want to keep disturbances to a minimum.
Proper ventilation is very important for Avics. It'll also help keep down the chance of mold and mites.
If you do get a sling or a juvie (i.m.o. you should, 'probly from a dealer via here...there is a section on breeder/seller reviews), you'll need something smaller.
The easiet, and cheapest I can suggest is a small Kritter Keeper turned on it's side, or a large deli cup. I prefer the Kritter Keeper because my A.versicolor webs (beautifully), at the top of the container, and the deli cup kinda ruins it every time you open it...and the K.K. is like 5 bucks or so.

I've gone on for too long. I apologize. I hope I helped some. I just want to reiterate that all my suggestion are my personal opinion and experience.

Enjoy your T. Here are some pics of mine. Three of my Avics. 10 gallon on it's side tank, one of the Avic. that dwells there, and one of the the deli cup and small Kritter Keeper that houses argueably my most beautiful tarantula, Avic.versicolor. Depending on what you like of course!


Dec 16, 2004
Thanks for the feedback!

I might try going with individually potted plants so the whole substrate isn't moist, but it sounds like fakes will be easier. In any case, I'll update when I've actually got everthing set up and my new T purchased :)