Newbie Having Trouble Finding Beginner Tarantula to Purchase


Jan 22, 2018
Hello Everyone. My family and I are beginning our journey into having a pet tarantula. Unfortunately we are having trouble finding what appears to be a reputable breeder online that has the species we are interested in.

I have checked Jamie’s and several other sites. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate your help.

We are looking for a female adult in any of the following:
E. parvulus “Chilean gold burst”
Brachypelma albopilosum
Greenbottle Blue (but I am feeling rather scared of this hair flicking I keep reading about)

Do you feel these are good beginner tarantulas?



Sep 26, 2013
Well, I found this:

and this:

Finding adult females of anything can be hard (and expensive.)

GBBs are very hardy and forgiving of husbandry mistakes, but many specimens are somewhat nervous and speedy. That doesn't mean defensive, it just means they startle easily and zoom into webbing/hides when the enclosure is disturbed. As long as you're ready for the speed, they can work as a starter IMO.

Pretty much any Brachypelma, Grammostola, or Aphonopelma would be an ideal starter T. There are others, too. You can also try a local reptile show if any come to your area. Craigslist occasionally too.
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Jan 15, 2017
I think the B. albopilosum is your best bet. Or if you can get your hands on a nice B. hamorii, you’ll have a very attractive species that’s easy to deal with. The C. cyaneopubescens would be a good choice as a second tarantula. They can be prone to kick hairs, and can be skittish. But of course, they are beautiful! I don’t have experience with E. parvulus. So someone else can weigh in on that.


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2010
My first tarantula was a B. albopilosum that I raised from a sling. They're a great species, pretty docile, and easy to take care of. GBB's are pretty easy to take care of, too - but they are faster and more prone to bursts of speed, and mine have certainly been inclined to kick hairs at the slightest provocation. They also tend to be a bit more expensive than the B. albo, if that's a consideration - though if you're looking for an adult female, pretty much anything other than a basic G. rosea/G. porteri is likely to be pretty pricey. You might consider a larger sling or juvenile instead - they're not quite as expensive and it's fun to watch them grow. The various colors and patterns the GBB's go through as they grow and molt are amazing, and they're voracious feeders. (Afraid I don't really know anything about E. parvulus.)

Whatever species you decide on, make sure to do your homework first. Many care sheets from pet stores or online sources are inaccurate or try for a "one-size-fits-all" approach to tarantula husbandry - which is a good way to end up with a dead pet. Before you bring her home, make sure you know (and can provide) the necessary conditions for her. You should have a suitable cage set up, with appropriate substrate, a water dish, and hide, before you bring her home - and a secure place to keep her that won't get too hot or cold and is protected from pets, small children, or other household hazards. Don't get a heat mat or heat lamp, though - they just dry out the substrate and overheat the tarantula. Most tarantulas do just fine at room temperature. Also don't bother wasting your money on humidity guages and thermometers and other gadgets the pet stores may try to sell you. You should also find a reliable source for feeders. Do you have a local pet store where you can purchase them? Are you going to raise them yourself? You should not use wild-caught feeders because you have no way of knowing if they've been exposed to pesticides or other chemicals, parasites, or diseases which they could transmit to your pet.

There is a LOT of good information on these boards - and a lot of friendly, helpful people. Browse the previous threads about the species you are interested in, watch the care videos from some of the long-time members, and ask lots of questions - before you get the spider, so by the time she arrives, you can settle down and enjoy her rather than freaking out over every little thing or suffering some mishap.


Jan 15, 2017
Another one you may consider is Aphonopelma chalcodes. They’re usually pretty available in the states. And adult females are reasonably priced. Or Grammostola pulchripes is a fun species that eats well. It can be a bit harder to find an adult female of that species. But at least the slings are not as slow growing as other Grammostola.


Old Timer
Dec 23, 2002
Arachnoiden, a reputable breeder, has a female B. albopilosum. They also have a female Aphonopelma seemanni, another cool beginner T.


Jan 22, 2018
Can you tell me the difference in caring for a juvenile curly haired vs an adult? Thanks!


Dislike Harvester
Oct 24, 2017
My first T was a GBB. Yes, it is much quicker than a lot of the tried and true starter T’s, but IMO unless you planned on handling it (which is a bad idea for any T and most certainly this one), I wouldn’t let it discourage you from getting it. It may be quick but mine doesn’t seem to use its speed often and certainly doesn’t try and bolt out of its habitat. Also, I’ve never seen mine kick hairs once.

On the upside, they are gorgeous T’s, even as slings, and seeing them change colors as they grow is an awesome experience. They are also out in the open all the time, they are voracious eaters, they are extremely hardy T’s, and they make awesome webbing.

Although probably not the best starter for a careless keeper, for anyone with good common sense I think they make a great first T, although it may spoil you for other species you pick up later haha.

Just my 2 cents.


Sep 15, 2014
your best chance at finding an adult of any species is right here on the classifieds


Dec 21, 2017
B albos are very easy to take care of even as slings, I have one that molted in literally 2 weeks.
I’m another one that can’t help u with the parvulus BUT I am getting 2 on Thursday and I could keep you posted on how they are to keep. I got them from arachnophiliacs in British Columbia (Canada) I’m in Ontario. He has them for 60$ for a 1”. He’s got one left but i don’t know if he would ship to the states.


Nov 16, 2017
Ive never seen a parvulus for sale on any breeders website. I would just get a few B albo slings. I saw some E campestratus slings at fear not tarantulas website. They have alot of beginner packages including B albos. E campstratus is just as good or better starting out. I think they have most of the good beginners there


Jul 23, 2017
As long as you don't start with an OW you should be on the right track. Everyone here's said some great examples of beginner stuff so I'd just listen to them. If you need help finding a B. albopilosum I apologize as they're super common! I think @EulersK might have one but don't quote me on that. Anyways, since I gave him an @, he should probably be of great assistance.


Dec 29, 2015
+1 for B albopilosum. Probably my most active spiders, both slings and adults. Always moving stuff around, little bulldozers for sure. Plus they’ve got a totally unique fluffy look! Best part is they’re insanely cheap, you can even get the pure Nicaraguans for like $6 each as slings.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Can you tell me the difference in caring for a juvenile curly haired vs an adult? Thanks!
enclosure size...that's it...their care would be exactly the same.
your best chance at finding an adult of any species is right here on the classifieds
Ive never seen a parvulus for sale on any breeders website.
They pop up from time to time.


Dec 21, 2017
Tarantula Canada had a sale at the show and I got my 2 b.albo’s for 5$ each. Also since old world was mentioned I’d recommend heterothele gabonensis and villosella. They are old world dwarfs. Very quick but insane eaters. I’m dead serious when I say if u want to film it eating u better have it recording before the cricket goes in or you’re out of luck. But only go OW when or if you would feel comfortable.

Also just a heads up, and species from Chile are gonna get a lot harder to find. Anything exported anyways. So if you see it buy it. (That’s euathlus parvulus and and I’m sure there’s others
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Jun 14, 2017
Greenbottle Blue (but I am feeling rather scared of this hair flicking I keep reading about)
It's honestly not bad, they're pretty fast. Really easy to care for, juvs and adults require bone dry substrate and lots of anchor points.
My male GBB, is actually pretty calm. The only time he's ever kicked is when I have poked him during rehousing.
Other than that if he feels threatened he'll just bolt into his burrow. He is no trouble for me at all.
They are very active tarantulas as well, I often see mine webbing the enclosure and exploring.



Apr 9, 2016
Welcome to Arachnoboards, Miz77. You've come to the right place. This is far and away the most dynamic site I visit online, and I have pretty much a complete food chain of creatures in my care. If only the ball python people were as generous with their time and knowledge! Lots of great people here. I hope you'll hang out.

I want to chime in for the Aphonopelma chalcodes. Buy American, my friend! You can't go wrong with the hometown spider. The golden girls are inexpensive, they live forever, they're tougher than an old boot, and they have the personality of a golden retriever. Also, they are absolutely lovely in person. My first tarantula, and first in my heart! 443371742_5bcf00d143.jpg

Ken the Bug Guy usually has 3 inch or larger desert blonde females for 49 bucks. Can't beat that with a stick! You'll probably have to account for her in your will, because she will live forever.
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Jan 7, 2017
Welcome to Arachnoboards, Miz77. You've come to the right place. This is far and away the most dynamic site I visit online, and I have pretty much a complete food chain of creatures in my care. If only the ball python people were as generous with their time and knowledge! Lots of great people here. I hope you'll hang out.

I want to chime in for the Aphonopelma chalcodes. Buy American, my friend! You can't go wrong with the hometown spider. The golden girls are inexpensive, they live forever, they're tougher than an old boot, and they have the personality of a golden retriever. Also, they are absolutely lovely in person. My first tarantula, and first in my heart! View attachment 265280

Ken the Bug Guy usually has 3 inch or larger desert blonde females for 49 bucks. Can't beat that with a stick! You'll probably have to account for her in your will, because she will live forever.
Lovely Ts , but during the winter months we don’t get them in the uk as they don’t ship them over during the winter months as I was told.


Jun 4, 2015
Arachnoiden, a reputable breeder, has a female B. albopilosum. They also have a female Aphonopelma seemanni, another cool beginner T.
My seemanni is insanely aggressive and my OBT is pretty chill. My balfouri is always out and about and my albopilosum is a pet hole. These bugs are so weird.