New to Millipede Care


Sep 18, 2018
Hi, guys! I found a pretty good sized millipede in my garage and since I've been interested in a millipede as a pet for a little while now, I decided to keep her (I think she's female, but I'll need someone else to confirm). I've been doing research online, but since I'm brand new to this whole thing and I keep finding a bunch of conflicting information, could I please get some advice on how to best care for her? The folks on this site seem to be reliable sources of knowledge.
Right now, she's in a plastic aquarium that's about five gallons in size with a vented lid. She has a small wooden hideaway with a few extra twigs scattered about; I used to have a shallow water dish in there, too, but since I never saw her go to it (and several sources said I didn't need it), I removed it (though some of the pics still show it). I lined the very bottom of the enclosure with some sphagnum moss (in hopes this would help keep moisture and humidity in the tank) before adding in the substrate. I use bottled spring water to spray down the tank at least once a day. I believe Nugget (her name, lol) might be an American giant millipede (Narceus americanus) because the pictures I've found of it online look like her and I read that those are found where I currently live (Virginia). However, she might be a young one since she's about 3 inches long. But again, I'll try to include pics as I'm not 100% sure. Am I doing okay caring for her so far? I have other more specific questions, too.

1. Since I found her in my garage, are wild millipedes okay with being in captivity? I've had Nugget for about a month now; she doesn't seem stressed out and hasn't secreted any fluids or anything and even seems happy to crawl on my arm if I need to move her (I very seldom handle her), but would it be better if I just released her and bought a millipede born in captivity instead? If so, what is the best/most hardy species of millipede for beginners? Also, I'll be moving to Texas in a few months, so is there a way to move a millipede across states without causing it too much stress, or would it be better if I released Nugget and waited until after I move to get one?

2. Are there any kinds of fruit/vegetables that I should avoid feeding her? I gave her some apple one night, which she seemed to enjoy. (It was kinda cute watching her nibble on it!) I tried giving her spinach and butter lettuce later on, but she never touched those. How often should I give her this kind of food? So far, I've been giving this kind of stuff to her once a week. Also, I read somewhere (don't recall where) that this one lady's millipede kept biting at her whenever she got near it, but stopped once she gave it a little meat. Do millipedes occasionally need to eat meat/anything with protein like eggs, or does it depend on the breed? If so, how often?

3. Does she or doesn't she need a water dish? Some sources I've found say she does (but with something in it like pebbles to keep her from drowning) while others say no.

4. How do I tell when Nugget is agitated or content? Is there specific body language I should keep an eye out for (like to tell if she's sick)?

5. Is there a way to figure out how old a millipede is? How long do they typically live?

6. Her current substrate is plain topsoil (which I figured would most resemble what she would burrow in in the wild) mixed with dead leaves from my backyard that I microwaved for 30 seconds to kill any potential harmful stuff and crushed up cuttlebone for calcium. Before I had topsoil, I had some spare potting soil that I kept her in until I could get better substrate; she immediately burrowed into it, but I switched it because I was concerned there might be chemicals and other things in it that she might ingest that would harm her. She seems fine with the topsoil and burrows during the day and usually comes out at night. However, is there a better way to make substrate? I've heard some mention cocofiber or something, but would that make a huge difference? Also, should the cuttlebone be crushed and mixed in with the substrate or should I do something else with it (like sprinkle it on her treats), and would any kind of dead leaves do? Also (using this word a lot today, lol), is the sphagnum moss in a good spot lining the very bottom of the cage, or is there a better place to put it?

7. Continuing from #6, I know these little guys are decomposers, but I'm gonna ask anyway - if I see mold/fungus growing in Nugget's enclosure, should I change out the substrate and clean the cage? Either way, how often should I clean it? I was planning on every 1-2 months or so; would that be okay?

8. What's the best way to view millipedes at night without disturbing them? I read somewhere that blue lights won't bother them, but even with that, Nugget will typically burrow back underground within a couple minutes of me turning it on. I don't kknow how often/long she stays on the surface normally or while I'm asleep (in which the room is totally dark minus my window blinds being ever so slightly cracked); more often than not, she'll only emerge when my room is completely or mostly dark.

9. Last few questions, I promise! What should I expect when Nugget sheds/molts/whatever the term is? I've read that millipedes will disappear underground and stay down there for at least a few days while it occurs, and that I need to keep the tank sprayed down (as usual, but I don't know if it needs extra misting). I also read that I should never try to dig the millipede up or disturb it. However, are there any complications that could occur during this process (like I've heard can happen with tarantulas)? How long does it typically take, and how long should it be before I get concerned if Nugget hasn't resurfaced? How do I know when she's getting ready to molt? Should I feed her extra if I notice those signs? After she sheds should I clean out the cage and remove the old exoskeleton? Do millipedes shed throughout their life, or just while they're growing? If it's the latter, is there a way to tell when she's done molting?

Sorry for the essay up there, but I tend to be a little paranoid in new situations. I want to make sure I'm caring for Nugget properly, and any advice ya'll could give would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!



Active Member
Jul 23, 2016
Looks like N. americanus. You have way too much ventilation. You could wrap the cover in Saran Wrap and that would hold some of the moisture in. Might need deeper substrate. They eat rotting wood. leaves, so it would be good to add that. I don't think the sphagnum at the bottom is a good idea as you could be creating anaerobic bacteria. It would be great on top and would help with humidity.

I'm on my way out but will try to answer some of your other questions when I get back in. This is a great place to learn; lot's of knowledge between these pages! Welcome to the hobby. Its fun, albeit addictive!