New Member


Apr 7, 2018
Hi! I am new to T's. I have a Brachypelma albopilosum sling for one month now. It has been going real well, eating good. Apologies in advance for the long post!

I'm afraid that I have stressed the little guy, or he is going into a pre molt or I hope not, maybe both. I had to use Provent a mite on my snake that is in the same room with the spider, I moved the sling to the living area of the house, about the only safe place I could find was on the entertainment center, with the TV right under where he was. More light and more activity in the room, where he had been was kinda perfect. In the morning I see he has closed off where his little hide is and he has burrowed a nice little tunnel. Yesterday was feeding day and first time he didn't feed since I have had him. I moved him to my room now that is better, but have had to move the cat out of there.

The label on pro vent a mite clearly says to remove any insects or spiders from the area. Using the search feature I have seen answers on this subject from, remove spider for at least 2 weeks all the way down to one person saying they forgot their T's were in the room during treatment with no apparent ill effects. I would really like to get him back to his nice dark quite spot in the snake room. But I guess i don't want to take any chances of the spay getting to him. The breeder is wonderful and said to ask any questions any time but I don't want to bug the poor guy daily, LOL I do find I can find a lot of info here. From reading here, it appears stress behavior seems pretty similar to pre molt behavior. He molted right before I got him, I have been thinking he may be due, and I was thinking "he looks bigger" I think I may have been noticing a change in the abdomen maybe, he just looked bigger, now I really can't get a good look at him.

My questions are: how long should I keep him out of the room, the breeder said he always takes the snake cage outside to use pro vent a mite, so he doesn't really have experience with using the spray right in the same room. I sprayed the snake cage for about 2 seconds and a short spay at each corner of the cage on the outside of cage.

Question #2 In your opinion do you think it is stress from the move or pre molt or maybe both that caused him to be busy all night moving dirt, digging burrows, covering the entrance to the hide and not eat the next day?

Thank you in advance, I had not planned on this post turning into a book but I tend to do that, LOL



Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Question #2 In your opinion do you think it is stress from the move or pre molt or maybe both that caused him to be busy all night moving dirt, digging burrows, covering the entrance to the hide and not eat the next day?
Moving dirt around is not uncommon for this species, especially as a sling. However, if it has sealed itself in and refuses food, it may be preparing to molt.

Signs of pre-molt (a single sign might not mean pre-molt, but if you are seeing multiple signs, it is likely pre-molt):
  • refuses food
  • seems more lethargic, skittish, or reclusive than normal
  • coloring looks drabber than normal
  • spontaneously shedding hair around its enclosure
  • seals itself into its burrow (do not disturb sign)
  • entire abdomen turns dark (not visible on larger tarantulas without a bald spot): will molt within a few days
  • makes a molting mat: will likely molt within a day
  • flips onto its back or side: it begins!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Why didn't you spray outside of the Ts room? Remember mites are arachnids.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
Mites and spiders are both arachnids, as @viper69 said. A mite spray will definitely kill spiders if they come in contact so I think waiting two weeks before moving the spider back is a minimum requirement.


Dec 14, 2017
There are people who keep their Ts in busy areas of the house without ill effects. If they feel threatened they'll just retreat to their hide.

Obviously a dark and silent (in terms of vibrations, Tarantulas can't hear after all, they sense through vibrations) room is ideal, but even a busier environment won't hurt them.

Just keep the other room ventilated for a few days and move your T back when you feel comfortable. You did the right thing by relocating it.


Apr 7, 2018
Thank you for your responses.

So if a T is in pre-molt and seals itself in it's burrow, does this mean they will molt inside the burrow?

Bob Len

Feb 15, 2018
Thank you for your responses.

So if a T is in pre-molt and seals itself in it's burrow, does this mean they will molt inside the burrow?
By the way, if it is a small sling removing the hide would be a good idea.


Apr 7, 2018
It's maybe 1/4 inch, probably a little bigger? Why should I remove the hide? It was really doing some excavating! I can no longer see the hide, and it has been closed off. There are a few areas of it's burrow near the bottom and edge of it's enclosure, a couple times yesterday I was able see it in the burrow. I have a strong feeling he is pre molt and it may be hard to tell if he is in molt if it molts in the burrow. I am kinda not wanting to disturb. I didn't have all that much fun catching the cricket he didn't eat, I am wondering if it is time to leave him alone, wait to feed, or try a feed and chase the cricket around if it doesn't eat? I guess I am concerned that the cricket will go down the burrow and get lost and Delilah will be molting. Sorry about all the newbie questions and thanks in advance for any help.

Bob Len

Feb 15, 2018
It's maybe 1/4 inch, probably a little bigger? Why should I remove the hide? It was really doing some excavating! I can no longer see the hide, and it has been closed off. There are a few areas of it's burrow near the bottom and edge of it's enclosure, a couple times yesterday I was able see it in the burrow. I have a strong feeling he is pre molt and it may be hard to tell if he is in molt if it molts in the burrow. I am kinda not wanting to disturb. I didn't have all that much fun catching the cricket he didn't eat, I am wondering if it is time to leave him alone, wait to feed, or try a feed and chase the cricket around if it doesn't eat? I guess I am concerned that the cricket will go down the burrow and get lost and Delilah will be molting. Sorry about all the newbie questions and thanks in advance for any help.
removing the hide will increase feeding response, which will lead to faster growth. No need to do it now but if you find in a month its still holed up consider it.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
It's maybe 1/4 inch, probably a little bigger?
A hide is OK for your sling if it fits in the enclosure. However, for a sling that size, I'd keep it in a condiment cup to improve growth speed and to make it easier to feed and monitor. (In condiment cups, I just include a little fake leaf it can go under.)

I can no longer see the hide, and it has been closed off.
Do not break the seal. I would not alter the enclosure or rehouse it until it molts and hardens up.


Apr 7, 2018
OK, thank you, yes everything was going great until a few days ago. At every feeding the cricket would go right away to the entrance of the hide and it'd pop out, eating great.

A hide is OK for your sling if it fits in the enclosure. However, for a sling that size, I'd keep it in a condiment cup to improve growth speed and to make it easier to feed and monitor. (In condiment cups, I just include a little fake leaf it can go under.)

Do not break the seal. I would not alter the enclosure or rehouse it until it molts and hardens up.
OK thank you. It was in a condiment cup for a week, I have a little enclosure, like one of DIY one's that I got when I got it, it is pretty small, with a half a pill bottle, a softer material than most, as a little hide. You have been such a great help and I appreciate it!
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