Micro terrariums and things to put in it...


Nov 7, 2011
I'm currently looking for ideas for a pretty sweet micro terrarium, like something I could set up in a turned over beer bottle. I was thinking of getting the basics down by adding soil, gravel, a live plant, moss, and maybe some decorative charcoal. Then when the environment is all said and done, I was thinking of adding a local invert of some sort. (Such as a slug, pill bug, spider or what not...) I'm still undecided exactly on what exactly am I going to do and could use a nudge in the right direction. That said, I'll ask for a few things.

1. Does anybody know of some small Texas inverts that'll be great to add to my little biome?

2. Could anybody post pics of there own micro-vivariums, or post pics of the coolest/best they've ever seen on the net? Again, I could use a nudge in the right direction.

3. Can someone think of a way I could possible attach a lighting unit of some sort to the top of the container to light it up? (For cosmetic reasons) I think it may be possible with some precision duct tape/glue use, and small battery powered LEDs.
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Old Timer
Aug 30, 2012
I have several of these, 'micro-terrariums'. I have a small container with holes drilled on the top, and I house 9 lithobius forficatus. I have 2 small jars with trapdoors in each. and a large jar with a p. audax in it. I also have some containers with u. mordax in each, but thats temporary.


Old Timer
Mar 23, 2011
I love the idea of a micro terrarium, especially creating a tiny landscape with pebble mountains and mossy fields.

Some of the local tiny centipedes might work in a micro terrarium. If you went with pillbugs you might want to keep them in a group, but the population could easily outgrow the tank. I found some earwigs living in a pitted hunk of limestone today, they're pretty fast moving and could be entertaining to watch, but I know nothing about their care.

If you used a beer bottle how would you ventilate it? Glass is pretty hard to drill without special equipment. A plastic bottle would be easier to ventilate but less pretty. I would imagine that mounting the light on a wire stand of some sort would be the best way. Maybe one of those little booklights would work.


Dec 18, 2010
They'd get adequate ventilation through the top hole. Even if you corked it, the plants would provide the necessary O2 and absorb any CO2.