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Lampropelma Violacepes


May 25, 2013
8/6/2013 Marilyn my cat that roams the house got her claws stuck in the air holes in a acrylic lid, her weight allowed her to pop it right opened. There was a good 8 feet between the bookshelf that the terrarium was on to my bed. I'm not quite too sure what happened within that space. I was awaken to the cat frantically crying, at the same time feeling a burning sensation on the left side of my abdomen. I jumped up, as I did I saw my 6 inch female scurry up the wall. On a scale from 1-10 the pain was about a 6. An intense fever, sweating, and nausea followed for roughly 4 days after. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected but I believe that's due to circumstances I still wounld not like to go through that again.p