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Iridopelma hirsutum


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
Time about 630 at night. Opened up vial to mist.

"Industry", my 3/4" Iridopelma hirsutum, walked out of the container, and began walking around and around the vial. In trying to get her back in the vial I end up with Industry walking all over my arms, both hands, my pant leg, and then I manage to get her into a far to large deli cup. Unforunately, that is the cup I use to dust crickets in for my crested geckos, so she can't stay in that.

In getting her into the deli cup, she takes a bite into the fleshy side part of my left hand (side near the pinky).

I quickly inspect my hand, and it's starting to throb very very faintly and seems to be going slightly numb. In numbness/throbbing on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this a 1, with 10 being the most numb/throbbing.

After refilling a larger vial twice, I manage to get her into a larger vial as a new home.

The bite itself shows no visible marks, but the pinky area and the bite itself seems to be more numb than the rest of the hand. No swelling, and finger joints of my left hand seem to be a little stiff.

EDIT: No noticeable signs after 2 hours.
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