Introduce Yourself


Apr 21, 2010
Hello Arachnoboards!
Was a past member and proud tarantula owner who was forced to part with my eight legged addiction three years ago due to a move. I've been off the T-Wagon since but I just can't, or want', to stay tarantula free. I'm now settled into a much larger home with my family and have decided I need some T's back into my life. Look forward to catching up with the discussions in the forums and surfing the classifieds in hopes of rebuilding my collection.


Jan 18, 2018
Hey all!

Newbie to Arachnoboards! I’m 27, from the metro Detroit area. I’m a spider mother (6 in total at the moment) and a lover of all animals (2 cats, 1 Dog, and 2 fish). Super excited to learn even more about my beautiful babies and help generate more interest in these lovely creatures.

Can’t wait to get acquainted with all of you! Thanks for having me.


Jan 19, 2018
I was here years ago when I got my first tarantula I believe but could be wrong my name then was SaraRoseHair but that was about 10 years ago and I was here alot. I still keep T's but have been away for awhile and missed it so I am back. I just had to start fresh because I am sure inactive members are cleaned out after awhile and I couldn't remember my log on info :)

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I'm an avid fisherman, and have discovered that the DC tidal basin has over a dozen targetable fish species
The Potomac has a surprisingly good bass fishery....great shallow crankin' out least it was when I was there last.


Jan 21, 2018
Hello! I'm Beki, and I just got my first bug pets- two blue death feigning beetles, at the beginning of December. I love them, and I'm hoping to continue raising beetles in the future.


Jan 22, 2018
hi! i'm mink, and i've always loved bugs and arachnids. i do taxidermy on the side (mostly maceration and bone work though), and would love to someday have a colony of dermestids for my projects! i would eventually like to keep some Ts and raise some mantises when i get enough space for them. still learning the ropes here. i want to give my arachnid and bug pets the best life they can have.


Jan 23, 2018
Hi everyone.
I'm Alex, originally from Padua (Italy), but I live in Edinburgh (Uk).
Always been interested in animals in general , but particularly in inverts , reptiles and amphibians.
I have one royal python, 3 tarantulas (c.cyaneopubescens, p.metallica and C.versicolor) but had in total 8 before. Most of them died of old age.
Then I have 5 white tree frogs at the moment, and had loads of different inverts ( beetles, mantids, scorpions), and 2 dogs.
Think that's it for now XD
Smell you all soon on the forums threads XD

AISP Insects

Jan 28, 2018
Hello Arachnoboards,

I am AISP Insects, and I am currently an undergraduate student of Environmental Biology. I've always been interested in biology, especially with arthropods and their ecology. I spend a lot of my time reading about insects, insect identification, taxonomy, ecology, and pathology. I frequent sites where insect identification is supported. I have registered on Arachnoboards to increase my understanding of insect behavior that has been recorded in captivity but seldom observed in the wild. I enjoy reading about insect mysteries that can be new to science.

I reside in Florida. I only keep insects native to my area at the moment. I hope to be able to capture, raise, and document Florida endemic insects and arthropods with the very specialized habitats the state has. Many of these species are undocumented.

I hope to share some relevant knowledge I have about some arthropods to this board, so that the information circulates and possibly can benefit the community and hobby as a whole.

Bug on!


Jan 30, 2018
Hey All,

Welcome to Arachnoboards. Please take a moment to introduce yourself. Let us know who you are and what brings you here.

Feel free to post a picture of yourself here.

This thread is for personal introductions only, please let us know what inverts you have here.

Hope you enjoy your stay :D

The Arachnoboards Team
Hey guys! My name is Ruthie and I am new to the forum and also to tarantulas! I’ve had a fear of spiders my whole life but have been working on conquering it for the last few years and I got my very first tarantula 2 days ago which was the very last step in killing my fear! I have a beautiful Brachypelma albopilosum that I believe to still be immature at about 3” leg span. I posted a photo of the underside in the appropriate sexing thread if anyone cares to shoot over and give me their guess. I’m leaning towards male but really hoping for female as I obviously want my pet to live as long as possible. I’m the mother of a very intelligent 5 year old human who loves our animals just as much as me, and also 2 pitbulls, 2 cats, an albino corn snake, bearded dragon, and the pac man frog my daughter just got when I got the new T!
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Jan 30, 2018
Hi my names Dave, i'm new to T's. I've had my fair share or reptiles mainly day geckos. I prefer arboreal animals, or i did until i found a thread on here with really cool terrestrial setup. I've had marine fish, gave that up due to money being thrown at it. So T's have taken over. I've got the one to start (chromatopelma cyaneopubescens). I'm already thinking of what's next haha. I'm thinking either a Grammostola rosea or Brachypelma hamorii. Unless a versicolour comes up. They are what drew me to T's. On fish forums there was like an area for "your builds" somewhere to blod what you are doing and what you have. Is there a part of this forum that's similar? Thank you :)


Jan 31, 2018
Hi, my name is Nate. Long time lurker, just created an account last night so I can look at posted photos. I'm new to keeping tarantulas in my home, but I've been tending to them at the shop where I work for a bit. It just took a cute little H. Incei sling to warm my wife up to the idea of having arachnids in the house. I figure if she's ok with something that fast it shouldn't be hard to sell her on getting something big and slow. :)


Jan 31, 2018
Howdy, my name is Dylan and I'm a recovering arachnophobe. I recently took the plunge and acquired 2 regal jumping spiders (Phidippus regius) to start upon the long road to recovery from this debilitating condition. Hopefully they are the first of a growing collection, which shouldn't take long to expand since they've already mated. Who knew keeping spiders of opposite sex communally would lead to shenanigans? Within the first couple hours at that! :wideyed: I am also the proud keeper of 3 ball pythons: 1 female (suspected) piebald, 1 male lesser het piebald, and an unsexed normal. Hopefully I will be able to add some more eight legged critters to the list should my meetings at Arachnophobes Anonymous go well. :)


Feb 1, 2018
Hello, I'm obviously new here! I'm largely a reptile enthusiast and usually just lurk. I'm not much of a talker I guess! I'm curious about a specific species of spider that lives near my house is all.


Jan 10, 2018
Just posted ym first thread over on the Tarantula-chat subforum and thought I´d quicly introduce myself here as well :)
My name is Manuel and I recently got my first T, a B.emilia. These forums have been a great help to me when doing my research and preapring for my own T, so really looking forward to activily take part in the discussions on here and share some of my experiences with my fuzzy buddy. Cheers!


Jan 30, 2018
Hi y’all, I’m Jordan! Been lurking a lot recently, and with inverts on my mind a lot recently, I figured I’d join! I don’t actually have any T’s (I’m a fraud, I know:() but I do keep two species of isopods (Porcellio scaber and P. ornatus) as well as a beautiful vinegaroon named Kermit! An odd name, I know, but that’s a story for another time.


Feb 1, 2018
Hello everyone. Im Dave, 22 from Germany.
Youtube videos got me into T's. As a absolute beginner i wanted to do some research before getting my hands on my very first own T.
I hope i will find what i am looking for and get some helpful information about how to keep Tarantulas.

See ya around.


andy bunn

Jan 26, 2018
hello all

im andy bunn. i live in england. i have been keeping phasmids for 5 years and last year i got my first spider a lasiodora parahybana at a entmology show. i hadnt planned on getting a spider but it just happend. I dont regret it one bit. trantulas are facinating creatures.

im looking forward to chatting to people here, sharing experences, learning and having fun.

also i dont like capital letters. i dont know why.


Jan 29, 2018
Hello Everyone,

My name is Mateusz (Matt) I'm 27 and I'm from Poland.
I've been lurking on some "spider forums" for some time and this one suits me best as "international" forum so i decided to stay here for some more time...

Few years ago I had around 10 T's (mostly slings, common spieces ). Remmember the biggest one was Psalmopoeus Cambridgei around 6".
Than I've got busy, had some traveling and stuff to do so I couln't keep my T's anymore so I gave everything to my friend...

But now... I've settled myself up a bit in one place so I can start my journey with those fascinating animals again :)

In december I've got 6 slings... and in January 3 more. So now I have 9 slings(all different spieces).

I decided to "raise" all of my T's from slings. I'm never gonna buy something bigger than 1".

That's all about me so...hello everyone once more!
(sorry for my english)