ID Help?


Sep 9, 2003
Okay... so my boyfriend found this spider running around the living room and caught it for me (he's getting so good at this, lol). I don't have pics of it yet but I'll try to describe it as best as possible. It's orangish brown with horizontal white stripes on it's abdomen, it also fades to a darker color towards it's rear end. On it's two pairs of front legs the part of the legs closest to the body are a dark brown, fading to a light brownish yellow color; but it's two sets of rear legs are lighter close to the body and fade to a darker color towards it's feet. It is about 1/2" in legspan. On the underside of it's abdomen it has two orange dots with a dark dot in between them.
Sorry I'm not too great with the more technical terms for it's body parts but I'm still kinda new at this stuff. I'm just now getting into studying true spiders so I'm a little confused as to what this one is. I've never seen one before tonight either. Oh, and I live in NE Oklahoma if that helps any.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Unfortunately, the possibilities are endless without a picture (and still difficult with a picture). A description of the body shape and eyes might help a little. It could be wolf spider, a jumping spider, a fishing spider, Europoean house spider, or may others. The best clue is that it was running around and not in a web!
