Here's why humans are nothing but genetic garbage


Jan 12, 2018
Do I think some certain humans should be Pirahnized (a new word I made up)? Y to the E to the S. But do I think ALL humans deserve to die? No. The link is incredibly sad though.

Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
Death penalty is what the destroyers of nature and other God's creatures needs. But not a pathetic, laughable, 'Death penalty' like the American one - too gentle, with that crappy 'cold' needle inside the arm.

No, no... Saudi Arabia style one: a good sharpened Shamshir sword falling upon the head, but only after hours of torture.

'Kind souls' and the PC people disagree, but those that harms Flora and Fauna harms the entire world, your world, the world of your sons... so they need to die, not to be re-educated or other garbage talkings. When you have a tumor, what you will do? Add another metastasis, waiting for a miracle... or going the extra mile, no matter?

There's people that, on the 'Darknet', love to see and/or promote 'crush porn', where rodents and cats and etc are killed using boots, heels, what else.

So I say: pedophiles, animal abusers, rapists, mother nature destroyers etc needs to be tortured and killed, and I'd love to have the 'white paper/green light' for do that, but sadly, the world is 'mercyful' and oppose my genuine, traditionalist mentality :angelic:

You may think I'm joking, lol, I'm not :)
I've been signing too many petitions against these "humans". I am appalled and furious about what the maggots do to our earth and the first residents, all the animals. That's all I can do. But my cane is ready if I ever come across somebody who is abusing an animal or kid.
As Macron said, "There is no planet B."