Habronattus pyrrithrix

River Dane

Aug 13, 2018

Hey everyone!

I was told about these forums a while ago on the MantidForums, so I figured I might as well come here to ask about this species.

So recently I found two male H. pyrrithrix on my wall. They were in almost the exact same spot, but I found them two weeks apart, which I found odd.

I figure this means somewhere in my potted apt garden, there’s a secret population running. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this species in person, so that’s exciting.

So here are my questions:

1. Does anyone here have experience with this species?

2. Can the males be kept together without cannibalism? I read somewhere males are not aggressive towards each other?

3. Where am I most likely to find them? I read they live in leaf litter, but both males I found were on a wall.

4. Has anyone bred the, before? How many males (on average) do I need for at least one successful paring, assuming I find a female soon?

EDIT: forgot to mention this is my first post, so let me know if something’s wrong!
Thanks for looking!