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Grammostola pulchripes (senior synonym of G. aureostriata)


Old Timer
May 24, 2004
Yup thats right, Chaco Golden Knee (Grammastola aureostriata) bit my girlfriend today. Unpacking a sling order and they were pretty active and my GF wanted to hold one. Next thing i know she is like OH! OW! HOLY____! that hurts. (no i did not step on her foot!) this sling is about 1/4" and she felt no pain other than the bite, there was no swelling and no redness. Medical attention was: i had to give her a hug to make her feel better. Symptoms lasted less time than it took her to say "ouch that hurt, get him back in his container"


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
This happened sometime in early december. This T has been finally been proven to be a Chaco and I'm certain it was a bite.

I was putting the Chaco back into the container, while I was wearing gloves (I react to the urticating hairs). It had walked on to the back of my right hand. The chaco was three inches at the time. Unforunately, even though I was being quite careful, it started to slip a little bit as I was putting it back in it's container. It panicked and apparently used it's fangs to help hold on.

I was not sure I had been bitten until after I washed my hands and sat back down at the computer. I later pulled out the gloves and examined them for a bite mark. There were two tiny little holes in the gloves. Right hand ring finger was bitten. Right ring finger turned slightly reddish, and was slightly swollen. I don't recall much, if any pain. I did have a strong itching burning sensation however. About an hour or two later I went to bed without any problems. No swelling in the finger the next day, and no burning sensation.

I was rather concerned for a couple of days, about the tarantula having bitten latex but it was (and is) fine. So there you go, there's my stupid newbie bite experience.
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Old Timer
Nov 24, 2004
you never know, i have a 7 in. female chaco. have handled her many times and so have my sons, 6 and 12. i saw her on the screen top of her cage and as usual i took her out. sitting at the computer, all of a sudden i felt some pressure. she had her fangs out, about 1/2 in long, and was hanging on with them. not biting but gripping. one fang did lightly pierce skin. if she really wanted to, i would have two large holes in my hand.


Sep 6, 2005
stupid stupid keeper.

My little 2" chaco was my first tarantula, and it had just molted... i missed this, but knew it was imminent, so of course i wanted to check in on the spider because I had read somewhere that problems can occur with molting and was way too overconcerned. I saw something crumpled with its legs under it in the corner of the webbed in burrow area and freaked out, so go diving in to discover the old skeleton and brush my hand against the shiny new ultra defensive soft spider in the process. It nailed me on the inside of the left wrist with both fangs, I barely felt the bite, i noticed the venom a few minutes later as the area became warm and itchy. This continued for a half hour or so before being joined by pain in the joints of my wrist and hand, the pain wasn't bad, but just kindof there. This lasted about 3 hours with minor swelling, but really wasnt nearly as bad as I had expected.
needless to say, i wont go rushing in with a just molted spider again.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
Was bitten last night by my sub adult male. My own fault though, he had hooked himself onto my shirt and wouldn't let go anymore. Trying to get him of resulted in being bitten (plus getting him loose). He didn't get a very good grip, only one fang was inserted and it wasn't a dry bite (substance could clearly be seen around the place of insertion). Had no reaction at all, only that my hands were itchy cause of urticating bristles (possibly from working inside the aureo's exo-terra.


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
not much to report, but i figured i would anyway cause i did have some symptoms, and i believe any info is useful.
I got a 1/2" G. aureostriata today and was handling it to get some pics, and i thought "oh, i think it may have bit me" cause it was so small that i couldnt feel it walking on me, but definitely felt a small prik. well i got it on the third knuckle, no pain, slight local swelling and redness, and ichyness. 15 min after my hand felt a little like it just woke up from being asleep, all tingly, and that went away in 5 min. not bad at all, there really isnt much to expect from a 1/2" sling.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Grammostola pulchripes

Now, for all those who are concerned about the bite of a Grammostola sp., Here is a bit of first-hand experience. This is Se7en, my new 7-legged G. pulchripes:

During Se7en's initial handling session, I apparently got tagged.....TWICE!!!! She must have fanged me during that session, because the itchyness started about an hour afterwords. I didn't even notice the two bite marks until the next day, though the webbing between my right middle and ring finger was experiencing small bouts of being itchy as hell. I thought she haired me at first, but the sensation was more like a mild bee sting that would come and go. When I saw the bite marks the next day, that's when I put it together that I had been tagged.

So, the point is......
ANY T can and will bite despite ther temperament.
Second, the bite is NOTHING to worry about. I didn't feel it when it happened (2 bites delivered without any indication I had been fanged), and the symptoms were extremely mild. Even the bouts of itchyness were not annoying at all.

Battle Scars:

Between the time I was bitten, and the time I realized it, I had handled my girl three times, pinch-grabbed her for a ventral shot, and fed her. She has been handled since, and without incident or protest. Because of the mild effects of the venom, and the fact that her temperament is really calm, I am not frightened in the least to take another hit from her. Love her lots, though!!!
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Mar 9, 2012
i got one of my new 1/4" G. pulchripes slings out to let it walk around on my hand a little bit. almost immediatley i felt pressure and when i went to put it back in the deli cup i realized it was anchored to my finger by it's fangs. there was a little pain at the bite location and i think it may have swollen a little bit. i was very surprised that a G. pulchripes sling was my first bite.


Jan 13, 2014
Chaco Golden knee

I got bit about 3 hours ago by an Chaco Golden knee. It jumped at me and bit my thumb while i was transferring her to a new enclosure . It only bit me for a second but the pain was real intense. It was burning pretty bad and my whole hand and arm have started cramping. It only got me with one fang since I only see one puncture wound.

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