Getting into true spiders and would like some advice.

Nephila Edulis

Feb 27, 2017
I don't know what it was about me that made her so enraged. I also have an A. Hentzi that my friends joke around about me having to touch it with a three foot pole. Pop off the top of his enclosure and he's *immediately* in a threat display, slapping and biting everything around him. I am genuinely afraid to rehouse him; I'd rather try and rehouse my C. Fimbriatus. I don't know what crawled up his cloaca but it certainly isn't pretty.
Just went and got a picture of him. All I did was open the container.

and to think I got this species because I heard they were "docile and easily manipulated."
If that's what a grouchy tarantula does, I never want to come across a grouchy atrax


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
So my question is, what's the best beginner true spider?
I have found web dwellers (other than orbweavers) to be very easy to care for.

My favorite is Kukulcania hibernalis (I currently have three adult females, three juveniles, and one sling), but I've also kept cobwebbers (Theridiidae).

Fun fact: Kuks are extremely long-lived for true spiders, and at least in captivity, they exhibit an unusual level of maternal care.