First Time Millipede Owner Questions and Advice


Jan 16, 2019
I finally got my first millipedes today. One desert millipede and two gold millipedes. I have a few questions since I have never owned millipedes (only dogs, cats, and snakes).
In October I went to the Reptile Expo in Long Island (where I bought one of my snakes) and I saw & held a Giant African Millipede. I fell in love with it but I was not prepared to take care of one. I am planning to go to one of the Reptile Expo's in either February or March and want to buy one. Will it be okay to have it together with the ones I have now? I understand that I will have to get a bigger terrarium/tank when it gets full grown, but will it be fine for a few years? It's 12x12x 18, essentially a tall 10 gallon terrarium. Which ended up being a good thing since two of them are climbers hahaha.
What other bugs/roommates can they have? Madagascar hissing cockroach? I'll be honest I really want to add a snail (they have similar requirements to millipedes), would that be fine?
Any reading/book recommendations? Any tips/advice?

