First breeding attempt. Tips?


Sep 16, 2015
So I posted this thread in the Tarantula Chat (Lol sorry)
I figured it probably doesn't go there, so here:

So sometime soon, I will be breeding my G. Rosea (RCF) and I just wanted to check that I do this well.

Introduce the male at night into the opposite end of the female's enclosure. Make sure he does not run into her by accident. Have a couple objects at hand to separate them if necessary. Feed her a lot before and after the mating... (When do I stop feeding her? When she starts making the egg sac?). Maybe mate a few times just to make sure. Between matings wait for male to make sperm web. Pull eggs around the thirty day mark. Incubate eggs... (Which incubator is the best? I've seen several different ones.) Seperate the slings after molting twice. (not counting egg to EWL "molt"). Sell slings somewhere lol.

Do I have this down? Should I do a "cooling-off period"? Am I getting ahead of myself?(probably
Any help is appreciated!


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2014
These steps do seem correct. I'm not sure about having to wait until another sperm web to mate again but introducing him on 1 side of the enclosure seems good and being ready to separate them as well is also a good practice. As for an incubator, I just see people lay down damp paper towels on the bottom of an empty and well ventilated plastic container. At least, that's what I see Rob C. do anyway. (Tarantula youtuber). If you really want much better advice than me though, since I'm quite new to the hobby and have never bred, YouTube is the best source. Just look up successful incubators and hatches. As long as it is humid enough and has enough heat, you should get a healthy hatching. Hope your mating goes well and your sac produces many a red G. Porteri/Rosea :D

---------- Post added 11-14-2015 at 12:21 AM ----------

Also, I would probably stop feeding her when she makes the sac and power feed her after taking the sac, because it takes them a lot of energy to create a sac (that's why the males, even if you feed her, will get eaten. It usually means it went well, although I wish nothing bad to happen to your MM G. Porteri)


Apr 21, 2010
Youtube certainly isn't the best source, here is the best(or one of them) source for information.

You've pretty much got all the steps right. Mating more than once isn't necessary if the male makes good insertions the first time, but you may as well do it once or twice more to get the hang of it and be extra certain since it's your first time. She might not be as receptive as the first time though so be extra careful if you pair them more than once.

Feed her until she webs herself up to make the sac or to molt and stop feeding until you pull the sac. You may also want to remove the water dish or not fill it very much in case she decides to roll the sac in there.

There was a good link for an incubator around here, but I forgot where it is. I'll post a link if I find it.

I've paired my rosea(NCF) in two different occasions but haven't got a sac yet(crossing my fingers for that second time to be successful) so I can't help for the cooling period or stuff like that to get a sac.

You can also leave the slings longer with the mother, she knows what to do better than you, but it can be more troublesome if they hatch while inside the mothers enclosure which is why many removes them earlier.


Sep 16, 2015

I was thinking maybe one small cup inside a large cup with space in between the two cups. Then holes on the bottom of the small cup. And holes going through both the large and the small cup. Like this but with plastic cups:

It hope she drops a sac for you! I should be pairing mine tomorrow or the next day. Does one cricket a day sound too much?


---------- Post added 11-16-2015 at 03:39 PM ----------

Oh and I also heard that part of the reason the sacs are pulled is because sometimes she will eat the eggs?


Apr 21, 2010
Here's the link I was looking for:

1 cricket a day sounds a bit much to me(I'd probably go every 2-3 days), but as long as she eats, it's fine since she need the energy.

Usually, they will eat the eggs when something is wrong with them so if she would have eaten the sac, the chances are high that you wouldn't get any slings anyway.
It's not 100% the case though and sometimes you can salvage a few from what I've read so that's why many will pull it early.


Sep 16, 2015
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Just thought I'd say this, the pairing was successful!!
I'll pair them again in a couple days!