Fat tailed scorpions getting rare now?


Old Timer
Nov 30, 2009
Mind telling me where and who?


btw I apologize if you felt annoyed at having to explain your thoughts on this matter. I barely, rarely ever come on here any more. I check in maybe 1-3 times a year. Have been too busy with life and scorpions aren't my main passion anymore as I got older.

But I still do love them.

EDIT: NEVERMIND. Searched the classifieds.
Haha no worries man. And I wasn't ranting against you or anyone in particular. I just want good practices in raiding and breeding so we can grow the hobby in spite of the slump it's in and the lack of imports. I see less and less scorpions offered each year on the classifieds and its sad :( those are just my thoughts and philosophy on the hobby in general. And to the tarantula keeper above: I did not mean to offend by referring to the mentality in a negative light. Its just a negative mindset for this small hobby, whereas it works pretty well for spiders, know what I'm saying? We can't keep buying single specimens is all. Pretend your the last person who can breed em and buy a bunch and treat them as such. It'll help you produce broods, and more broods, and help increase the stock in the hobby, which for many species is desperately needed. People want to buy scorpions, they do. Its just having them on hand when people want them.


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
There are more available now nationally and internationally, than at any time since I entered the hobby.

And yes, we need more breeders. Someday the WC tap may turn off completely. And in the mean time there is no excuse not to from an ethical standpoint. There isn't much money in it, but it's fun. The market is small though. If you have a couple hundred slings and it takes 6 months or more to sell them,.... It's not great motivation.... What is though... Is whomever is holding when the WC tap turns off will have a nice return on investment. I live out of a backpack now or I would.
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Old Timer
Jul 10, 2006
There are more available now nationally and internationally, than at any time since I entered the hobby.

And yes, we need more breeders. Someday the WC tap may turn off completely. And in the mean time there is no excuse not to from an ethical standpoint. There isn't much money in it, but it's fun. The market is small though. If you have a couple hundred slings and it takes 6 months or more to sell them,.... It's not great motivation.... What is though... Is whomever is holding when the WC tap turns off will have a nice return on investment. I live out of a backpack now or I would.
Mind sharing some sources of where I could acquire some andros?