EVERYONE..status on your curly slings from Holley


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2002
hmmm...thats interesting....i will say this...one of mine that still has yet to moult is the smallest one....from day one is has eaten the least out of all of them too....it is so small and doesnt really show blatantly obvious signs of an upcoming moult like the rest (although it may be harder to tell because of the small size).....also it is the most elaborate burrower...i hardly ever see it....it builds these web/peat covers for the entrance to the burrow and if i remove it...there is always another one by the next morning........i wonder if i should be concerned for this one or if it is just a "runty" one and is just gonna grow slower and live longer than the rest.....


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2002
well everyone has moulted now except for the runty one and everyone is eating and getting fat again.....i can really tell the size difference now that they have eaten since the moult......
i think the runty one might be showings some signs of an upcoming moult...so maybe in the next week or so....i guess someone always has to be different/difficult......i think maybe one more moult (after thanksgiving i guess) in the deli cups and they are gonna need bigger containers (babyfood jars)....