Enclosure Heating Thoughts

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I did some checking on the available heaters and enclosure gadgets for sale by assorted shops and honestly, I'm not impressed. More to the point, the words 'THIS IS UTTER BULL****' kept roaming around my skull.

People generally don't have the perspective a Bio-Med Equipment Technician has. To explain.
Say I dropped off a blanket warmer in the ER. Or a patient hypothermia treatment blanket up on the floor with the fine print most of these heaters have. As in,

"Hey all you nurses! Here's the newest piece of equipment. I'd like you all to take 15 minutes out of your schedules to read all the uses and precautions for this device, and memorize the various conditions where it should not be used. It also should have various adjuncts like thermostats, relays and fuses that didn't come with the unit and you should add these things yourselves. And don't forget, everything must meet stringent hospital safety guidelines."

Can you hear the muted bellows and yells from the nurses, their supervisors, the Director and the hospital administration?

It seems to me many of these gadgets for your terrarium are place and forget for the animal sales outlets. Sort of works and who cares if half the animals are on deaths door when sold.

I reflect on the blanket warmer I build for an ER. The heating elements would probably have withstood a direct hit from a .308 bullet. It had 2 safety devices, exceeded CE, OSHA and a half dozen other requirements and was true -plug in and forget-. Anything less than that would have been met with the growl from the ER Sup as to where I can take that cabinet and what I could do with it.

I'm going to do some more research and post further some suggestions in a few when I'm not facing an up-to-my-arse-in-alligators workload. There should be a way to bridge the little Grand Canyon sized gap between the strictly for profit companies that make these things and the convenient use on your part while taking into account safety factors as stringent as those found in a hospital. You and your animals deserve no less.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
A little update. I've web surfed about 12 terrarium heaters, hit just over 500 web pages in search of data. All have a few things in common.

* Country of manufacture: Unknown
* Certifications of safety: Unknown
* Certified protections and protective devices to prevent over or under heating and possible fire source: Unknown
* Various warranties and consumer protection: Arbitrary. Per distributor / sales outlet choice.

So far, let's just say, if these heaters were a new car, you would have to be a complete fool to buy one. My search continues. If anyone has links to actual consumer protection data, please bring it to my attention.