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Effects of Theraphosa blondi urticating hairs on sensitive skin areas.

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the nature boy

Old Timer
Nov 30, 2007
The effects of T. blondi urticating hairs on hands, arms, and eyes has been documented. To my knowledge, study has not been conducted regarding their effects on particularly sensitive areas of skin. The following is the research that I conducted.

Tuesday April 1st, 9:47 pm. I exposed a sensitive region of skin to my 9" female T. blondi while prodding her with a chop stick. Initially she lunged, requiring me to move the region away with extreme speed. When I attempted again she flicked a veritable cloud of hairs onto the aforementioned area of skin and then disappeared into her hide.

Tuesday April 1st, 10:02 pm. Severe itching. Began pacing the house in an attempt to resist scratching. Felt like I had poison ivy and the chicken pox combined on the area. Eventually could not resist scratching.

Tuesday April 1st, 10:15 pm. Wife ordered me to cease walking about the house scratching myself.

Tuesday April 1st, 10:20 pm. Remembered reading on the boards that scalding hot water can open pores, releasing urticating hairs, and bringing relief. Turned fawcet in tub on hot and waited for steam to arise. Held the inflicted area under the water.

Tuesday April 1st 10:21 pm.
Could not advise this approach.

Wednesday April 2nd 9am.
Difficulty walking at work. Painful to raise knees when walking. Coworkers clearly observing me.

Wednesday April 2nd 8pm. Wife insisted we go out for a nice dinner as previously planned. Fairly certain waitress became aware I was scratching myself under the tablecloth.

Wednesday April 2nd overnight Slept poorly on couch. Cat jumped on lap.

Thursday April 10th Starting to feel somewhat better yet still not walking normally. Have made decision to leave further research to Cacoseraph.

--the nature boy
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