Creating new bloodlines?


Apr 21, 2016
Just wondering if we could potentially create new bloodlines in captivity. Since there are quite a few rare species, the bloodlines end up being inbred and can collapse and also lead to deformations. I would love to know anyone's ideas or what they think of this sort of topic. I am quite interested in this.


Feb 1, 2017
Would require finding another breeder of the same sp. Outside of your bloodline and mixing those. Easier said than done of course lol

callum b

Old Timer
Dec 9, 2008
As far as I am aware, there is no evidence to suggest that any scorpions bred in captivity have developed problems/symptoms/deformations because of inbreeding. Of course, logic would suggest that a small gene pool could leave a captive population of scorpions vulnerable to potential harmful effects of inbreeding. However, it seems that arachnids as a whole are less susceptible to the hazards of incest or closely related mating than other groups of animals, for instance mammals. At least as far as current understanding and evidence goes, lack of genetic diversity isn't an issue when breeding scorpions.

Saying that, it has been observed that in some (all??) scorpions in captive culture, there's a trend for each new generation to be on average slightly smaller than the previous. I've certainly noticed this with a few of the species I have bred for several generations. The cause of this isn't necessarily inbreeding, though. A less diverse, nutritious diet, no predation of weaker individuals, incorrect environmental conditions etc. are probably more likely to be causing the decline in size.

As to bringing in new blood, as stated above, there doesn't seem to be any real evidence to suggest it's necessary at the moment. Also, most of the really rare species in the hobby have been collected by super keen hobbyists who have taken self funded trips to far flung corners of the world. The chances of new, wild caught specimens making into captivity are fairly slim. Anyway, if we can sustain a healthy captive population of an unusual species which are all the progeny of the half a dozen scorpions some motivated German collected somewhere in Arabia, I'm all for that! It is far more sustainable than the 'bread and butter' scorpion trading of certain Pandinus, Heterometrus, Hadogenes and Opistophthalmus species that are hoofed out of their cracks/holes/burrows in their thousands every year.