centipede did something strange today


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
I have some S. h. castaneiceps. One of them seems a little older and kind of cocky. Not as jittery as a younger one might be. Pretty aggressive and runs after things instead of running away. I put a grasshopper in with him. He backed up a couple of inches, and looked like he took aim at where he thought it was. It looked like he pointed at it with his antennae and then rushed forward and attacked. Hey, just had a thought. I would guess that allot of the time, they don't really know what they are about to attack. So maybe that's why he was making a full reach with his antennae. Right when he touches it he knows if it's good eating or not. Maybe time to run away and not eat. Seems like I remember reading someone else's post about seeing this behavior. I remember because I thought it sounded, well, a little nuts but I saw it! That was pretty cool.