Brachypelma smithi or Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens??


Aug 17, 2011
I currently have two T's, but I want to get a third. Which one of these should it be? I havent done much research on either very much yet, but I figured I'd ask on here first :)
Note: I like hairy T's, and the bigger the better. Also, I'm not Richie Rich if you know what I mean..


Nov 2, 2011
Why not grab a Lasiodora Parahybana? They're big, hairy and cost just right for an avid enthusiast like you.


May 13, 2011
Both are great, but very different. I have both B smithi and C cyaneobubescens. B smithi is your classic pet T, gets quite large and bulky, this is the one which most people (I mean non enthusiasts) can identify with, they are generally docile, very attractive but can be "pet rocks". Get one if you like the look of it and need a docile slow moving species. If you reall must handle a tarantula, these are generally quite tractable, but I don't handle any of mine unless absolutley necessary.

C cyaneobubescens on the other hand is a lot more active, very heavy webbers and can be quite skittish so not one for handling. They look stunning as slings and adults and go through some amazing colour changes before the adult blue/gree/orange. Very aggresive eaters too, mine will eat anything I put in with it unless in pre-molt, not fussy at all. They don't get quite as big as B smithi, but are a lot faster growing. B smithi will live a good 20+ years, maybe longer as female while Cyaneobubescens has a shorter life span. They can be kept in the same type of set up, they both like it dry.

In time you will no doubt get both. You won't regret either. Or as fartbreath says, get an LP, big, bulky, hairy, fast growing and gteat feeders, just not that colourful. Hope this helps.