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Brachypelma baumgarteni


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002

I didnt search this one, as I dont think it's bred in the US much ;)

I've have tried these two once before, last week, but they are kinda skittish when I get them out and try to corral them etc etc...This time I placed them on opposite sides of the "breeding towel" (Don't even try to draw a parallel ;) )
After 10 minutes I Gently urged them together. She was receptive right away but it took him a couple minutes to realize she was there. Insertion and retreat went very very well w/o a hitch.
One thing I noticed odd, his first couple 'buzzes' to her were with his third pair of legs only...
(PS anyone ever held a male tapping or 'buzzing'? I know Joy has...kinda like a joy buzzer)