Bitten by the scorpion bug...


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2007
Well, they both eat... stay motionless in a hide most of the time.... They both will sting you if you where to mess with them. It's not like one does one extraordinary different thing then the other. If you're a responsible keeper, venom should not matter much.It's like weapons you know. They won't do anything if you just have them on the wall. Gun or knife. Both can hurt, one more then the other, but as long as you keep them properly it ain't gonna do anything.
That is close to a fair analogy, but it leaves out the point that this gun or knife can move around on its own. And if it ever got out for whatever reason, the knife would be like a crawling quarter-inch blade able to give minor cuts, and the the gun would be a 9mm that could be hiding anywhere with a hair trigger {D

My point: Just because you've cared for a not-hot scorp and haven't been stung or had any incidents, does not mean it could not happen with a hot scorp you pick up. Some people recognize that possibility and do not want something that would likely put them in the hospital were the unlikely event of a sting to occur. That being the case, when someone specifically asks about which not-hot scorp to get, it is irresponsible to offer up deathstalkers and fattails as the scorpions of choice.


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2007
But a scorpion should never escape.

On the other hand: They can and do.

Some people are able to keep hots safely. Others are not, whether it be because of the keeper's ineptitude, inexperience or living situation. I wouldn't keep hots where guests, children, cats, dogs or anything else could compromise even impeccable practices by the keeper.


Old Timer
Apr 17, 2008
I've 9 scorps total (3 emps; 1 gravid Bothriurus sp.; 5 B. jacksoni) and my order of 5 L. quinquestriatus are being shipped out tomorrow. If you treat them with the uppermost respect, you won't need to worry about getting tagged. Just keep your skin away from them. IF and only IF you exercise extreme caution, you'll be alright. Whenever transporting them, make sure you have the container inside of another container just in case you drop it by accident. I also always have another small container ready just in case the scorp runs along the floor and I need to catch it quickly.

There's definitely more to be listed about them (always use long tongs, et cetera), but I'm not going to go into it.

Anyway, guys, this person doesn't want any hot species, as he's previously mentioned, so let's try to find him something suitable :)

Warren Bautista

Old Timer
Jul 5, 2008
H Spinigerus H spinigerus H sPiNiGeRuS h SpInIgErUs

or maybe...

... Hoffmannius Spinigerus! *twitch twitch*