Baldy bums!!


Jan 11, 2024
My red knee, I wanna say hamori as I don't think she is smithi looking but some say she does...haha. Has not eaten for over a week now, she's kicking hairs everywhere and patroling. Hope she's pre molting to be honest. Anyone else have baldy bums or pre molts? Also LP female has covered over her burrow soooo much so I'm assuming she is ready soon touch wood! What do you notice before hand? Any weird traits your multi legged karate kickers show before molts?



Jan 1, 2023
I am fortunate to be blessed with very few hairkickers but the ones that do, aim it at me and don't actually do much of it immediately prior to molting. Just one of the "features" of the genus. 🤣

Yours looks a long way from molting, especially if she's older/larger. I have an old granny hamorii that was black/shiny/bulbous for a good month before she molted.

Once she does molt, it will be a great time to determine the species by comparing her spermatheca with those here, and it would be the best time to visually assess the intensity of orange vs cream on the legs since the colors will be fresh. But the spermatheca would be the most definitive method.


Jan 11, 2024
Thank you very much 😄 oh right okay! So could be a good while then. She is okay to put your hands in an fill water up etc but the second you put the tongs the Bruce lee comes out 🤣 that's great information on that thank you about the molt. I'll post a picture at some point an hopefully someone gives clarity haha. My Brachypelma boehmei (feisty but doesn't kick) and Tlitocatl albopilosus is just too docile to even think of kicking gaha. I'm still confused about if mine is a true curly hair or not 🧐


Apr 4, 2023
Not eating for over a week is nothing to panic about, how often are you feeding her? She looks to be in good physical condition :)
Given that, I doubt she is in premolt because her baldy bum is still pink/tan. When she is truly ready to molt that patch will be black and shiny. As far as the hair kicking, they will often kick hairs to mark territory. I always imagine its their way of "decorating".
As far as your LP goes, the burrow dose not look closed off so I doubt a molt is immanent. Mine always webs over their burrow entrances a few weeks to a month before molting. How long have you had those two cuties? :)


Jun 5, 2021
I've got a few in pre-molt right now,

B. boehmei male who has gone very bald recently and starting to look "leathery" on the booty, refused food 2 days ago

D. pentaloris who buried herself about a week ago so I'm expecting a skin to show up soon. Haven't bothered trying to feed since her buried

My male D. pentaloris, same as the boehmei but also his tiger stripes are looking much more dull. Hasn't refused food but this one is still new to me so I'm learning his pre-molt behaviors haha

And lastly A. bicoloratum, technically not pre-molt I think, but she's been buried since October with her balding booty so who knows 😆 for the sake of labels, I've got her marked down as pre-molt since I'm not offering food very often while she's buried.