B. Emilia or B. Boehmei, I need advice which to get.


Apr 8, 2016
B. auratum, the skinny supermodel Brachy with nevous skittish behaviour.:p Very quick for the genus.

When I kept emilia I loved them, they are great and extremely good looking Ts but sometimes you just need a bit of attitude, or something that moves at least ;)

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
B. auratum, the skinny supermodel Brachy with nevous skittish behaviour.:p Very quick for the genus.

When I kept emilia I loved them, they are great and extremely good looking Ts but sometimes you just need a bit of attitude, or something that moves at least ;)
When I came back into the hobby B emilia was my 1st tarantula this time around as I'd never owned 1 but I always really wanted 1.
I hear you on the attitude front though but I get my attitude kicks from Pamphobeteus,Acanthoscurria and H villosella only the latter shows no signs of it.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
B. emilia, a beautiful pet rock.

B. boehmei, not so much of a rock, most active of the Brachys next to vagans. Absolutely stunning. I have owned a lot of Brachys and boehmei is my favourite. :)
Man, I have the reverse. AF emilia active, AF boehmei pet rock.

I'm an emilia person. If you lived near me, I'd trade you my AF boehmei I think.


Jan 29, 2017
Congrats on your new T. I was just kidding around with the B. smithi comment. Quite often in this forum people compete B. emilia with B. smithi as the best docile choice of T. I have owned a B. smithi for a while and just obtained a B. emilia in the recent weeks. I think you will be happy with your choice.
Thanks, am also looking at B. Smithi as well. Maybe I'll go get one of each (Auratum and Smithi) when I get the chance since I find Smithi's carapace appealing.

Congrats on the new tarantula out of the 2 the emilia is my favourite.
Ignore the nay saying @KezyGLA. He only voted for boehmei because he got sold coloured rocks and I voted for emilia because boehmei is one Brachypelma I don't own yet.
I do own a B auratum though and they are sort of inbetween emilia and boehmei as far as behavior in my experience mine is pretty active eats great but will and does flick hairs occasionally.

If you want a good display species that gets large,eats well and tends not to flick hairs switch genus and try and get a G iheringi you wont regret it.
Btw I was joking about kezy
Thank You for the suggestion bro, I looked it up and wow, cool ass. I just hope I can find a seller here (Philippines). Though I read about the species, they're fast... very fast and wild. Saw a video at youtube where it bolted out of it's burrow, took the cricket into it's mouth, then went back with it's meal, almost instantly. Very skittish. For a beginner like me, I do hope I'll be able to handle it when I do find one hehe


Jan 29, 2017
Man, I have the reverse. AF emilia active, AF boehmei pet rock.

I'm an emilia person. If you lived near me, I'd trade you my AF boehmei I think.
Ahaha, well they do say that despite being born in hundreds, each spider is an individual and I could see it now. I own 2 Albos, one active and one always hiding. I own 3 Albiceps and one of them hides, one is always out and the other... I don't understand (it always bolts out of the deli cup when I open it).

G. Iheringi huh? Am goin to research about it first then perhaps, get one if I see the chance. Thanks for the recommendations! :D

johnny quango

Old Timer
May 17, 2013
Thanks, am also looking at B. Smithi as well. Maybe I'll go get one of each (Auratum and Smithi) when I get the chance since I find Smithi's carapace appealing.

Thank You for the suggestion bro, I looked it up and wow, cool ass. I just hope I can find a seller here (Philippines). Though I read about the species, they're fast... very fast and wild. Saw a video at youtube where it bolted out of it's burrow, took the cricket into it's mouth, then went back with it's meal, almost instantly. Very skittish. For a beginner like me, I do hope I'll be able to handle it when I do find one hehe
My G iheringi is a little quick and I suppose skittish but a truly amazing tarantula. If you like the look of iheringi try G actaeon they look like each other until they get older then the actaeon lose the bright red abdomen so they are completely black they also have the same feeding response but they are less skittish


Jan 29, 2017
My G iheringi is a little quick and I suppose skittish but a truly amazing tarantula. If you like the look of iheringi try G actaeon they look like each other until they get older then the actaeon lose the bright red abdomen so they are completely black they also have the same feeding response but they are less skittish
I'll do keep that in mind since they're pretty nice Ts and are still bulky. (I have a thing for bulky built Ts hence the Brachys)


Oct 7, 2015
I really like B. Emilia it's quite docile and although not incredibly active, if you compared it to the G. Pulchra I used to have it's on a sugar high and having a caffeine rush. Also have to say G. pulchripes is a nice spider to consider, it's actually the only species other than emilia to stay in my collection when I sold out my T's to make room for more rare geckos since they are really the largest and probably the most docile Grammostola and eats great compared to things like porteri or rosea.


Jan 29, 2017
I really like B. Emilia it's quite docile and although not incredibly active, if you compared it to the G. Pulchra I used to have it's on a sugar high and having a caffeine rush. Also have to say G. pulchripes is a nice spider to consider, it's actually the only species other than emilia to stay in my collection when I sold out my T's to make room for more rare geckos since they are really the largest and probably the most docile Grammostola and eats great compared to things like porteri or rosea.
Am totally inlove with it... bought 2 more slings of Emilia and 2 auratum last tuesday. My brother already owns a couple of Pulchripes so am avoiding that particular sp XD


Jan 29, 2017
I represent the B. smithi's. Can I help you?:wacky:
Actually I just got a B. emilia recently. This T was already happy in its new home on the first day - very docile - can't answer on activity for mine yet.
whaddya know, I am getting two Smithi slings next week, Saturday... am so excited @_@
I do hope they're like the other brachys I already have, calm and good tempered <3


Jul 27, 2016
whaddya know, I am getting two Smithi slings next week, Saturday... am so excited @_@
I do hope they're like the other brachys I already have, calm and good tempered <3
Congrats. You now have the symptoms of a T addict like many of us.:D I don't think you will be disappointed with this T.

Just so you buy them knowing renaming information that is about to happen, make sure you read one of the two threads below. Basically hobby form B. smithi will become B.hamorii soon based on recent scientific analysis.




Jan 29, 2017
Congrats. You now have the symptoms of a T addict like many of us.:D I don't think you will be disappointed with this T.

Just so you buy them knowing renaming information that is about to happen, make sure you read one of the two threads below. Basically hobby form B. smithi will become B.hamorii soon based on recent scientific analysis.


Duly noted bro and again, thank you to all of you for tips and guidance regarding this hobby.

I though of getting smithi cuz after you "advertised" it to me, began reading about it and watching ytube vids and am like, "Hey, he's right it is a good spider and I see a lot of people have it, why shouldn't I get it as well"
Thanks *bro fist*

Though am a bit concerned, am I rushing too much? Like, I only started last January and now I own (as of now) 10 slings, going 12 when the smithi arrives.
Am I getting my hands full as a newbie?

EDIT: Woah, thanks for sharing! Imma read em now o_O


Jul 27, 2016
I probably could have paced myself a little slower, but it seems like there is always another species that I want. My available time to care for slings is near a limit until a few more of mine mature with a few more molts. A huge number of them are less than 1 cm in DLS where I obtained several from the same egg sac. I figure that more than half of them will be male tarantulas.

The area that needs planning is space and enclosures as they grow. They will eventually live in larger enclosures that can take some space. Of course you can always trade them or sell some of them to another person. How big is the hobby in the Philippines? Here in the US it is fairly small when compared to other options (dogs, cats, lizards, snakes, etc.)


Jan 29, 2017
I probably could have paced myself a little slower, but it seems like there is always another species that I want. My available time to care for slings is near a limit until a few more of mine mature with a few more molts. A huge number of them are less than 1 cm in DLS where I obtained several from the same egg sac. I figure that more than half of them will be male tarantulas.

The area that needs planning is space and enclosures as they grow. They will eventually live in larger enclosures that can take some space. Of course you can always trade them or sell some of them to another person. How big is the hobby in the Philippines? Here in the US it is fairly small when compared to other options (dogs, cats, lizards, snakes, etc.)
Well, after work, I usually have lots of free time. I recently just quit online gaming and is focusing on them baby Ts.

As for space, my mother is a dog breeder and she breeds large dogs like Bull Mastiffs and Alaskan Malamute, so that gives you an idea that we have space. Someday when I get more babies, am planning of having a shed built in the yard or something.

In the Philippines, cats and dogs dominate the pet industry but from what I have seen, the exotic pet industry is doing good (until last 2 weeks ago when the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and National Bureau of Investigation started catching us exotic pet keepers like we're criminals through buy-bust operations and the formation of the Anti-Illegal Pet Trade Unit, the industry is quiet right now). As for Ts, they're fairly popular since they occupy such little space (we're a small country) compared to lizards and snakes. One of the main hindrance is that, a lot of Fils are afraid of Tarantulas like it can kill them (damn spider horror movies) and in the facebook group, I've seen younger keepers that hide it from their parents which is sad.
(there was this one post that a kid was selling his smithi for like 25% of the original price because his father threatened him that he would make the kid eat it if he didn't get rid of it)
My apologies if I type a lot but if I am to estimate it on my own, Ts have a similar amount of audience with frogs, lizards, and snakes.


Jan 12, 2016
Well, after work, I usually have lots of free time. I recently just quit online gaming and is focusing on them baby Ts.

As for space, my mother is a dog breeder and she breeds large dogs like Bull Mastiffs and Alaskan Malamute, so that gives you an idea that we have space. Someday when I get more babies, am planning of having a shed built in the yard or something.

In the Philippines, cats and dogs dominate the pet industry but from what I have seen, the exotic pet industry is doing good (until last 2 weeks ago when the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and National Bureau of Investigation started catching us exotic pet keepers like we're criminals through buy-bust operations and the formation of the Anti-Illegal Pet Trade Unit, the industry is quiet right now). As for Ts, they're fairly popular since they occupy such little space (we're a small country) compared to lizards and snakes. One of the main hindrance is that, a lot of Fils are afraid of Tarantulas like it can kill them (damn spider horror movies) and in the facebook group, I've seen younger keepers that hide it from their parents which is sad.
(there was this one post that a kid was selling his smithi for like 25% of the original price because his father threatened him that he would make the kid eat it if he didn't get rid of it)
My apologies if I type a lot but if I am to estimate it on my own, Ts have a similar amount of audience with frogs, lizards, and snakes.
'get rid of the spider or i'll make you eat it'
Talking about horror movies....:eek: :(


Jul 27, 2016
Well, after work, I usually have lots of free time. I recently just quit online gaming and is focusing on them baby Ts.

As for space, my mother is a dog breeder and she breeds large dogs like Bull Mastiffs and Alaskan Malamute, so that gives you an idea that we have space. Someday when I get more babies, am planning of having a shed built in the yard or something.

In the Philippines, cats and dogs dominate the pet industry but from what I have seen, the exotic pet industry is doing good (until last 2 weeks ago when the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and National Bureau of Investigation started catching us exotic pet keepers like we're criminals through buy-bust operations and the formation of the Anti-Illegal Pet Trade Unit, the industry is quiet right now). As for Ts, they're fairly popular since they occupy such little space (we're a small country) compared to lizards and snakes. One of the main hindrance is that, a lot of Fils are afraid of Tarantulas like it can kill them (damn spider horror movies) and in the facebook group, I've seen younger keepers that hide it from their parents which is sad.
(there was this one post that a kid was selling his smithi for like 25% of the original price because his father threatened him that he would make the kid eat it if he didn't get rid of it)
My apologies if I type a lot but if I am to estimate it on my own, Ts have a similar amount of audience with frogs, lizards, and snakes.
I failed to think about you not having to deal with winter weather. That definitely simplifies things.

Are the tarantulas that are native to the your country easy to find? Of course they will be OW which is more risky. I wish we had some tarantulas in my local area. It would be really interesting to see how the T's we own in the hobby live in their native habitat.


Jan 29, 2017
'get rid of the spider or i'll make you eat it'
Talking about horror movies....:eek: :(
Poor kid, just because his family is scared and uneducated with the animal, he is forced to let of what he wants. Ignorant fools.

I failed to think about you not having to deal with winter weather. That definitely simplifies things.

Are the tarantulas that are native to the your country easy to find? Of course they will be OW which is more risky. I wish we had some tarantulas in my local area. It would be really interesting to see how the T's we own in the hobby live in their native habitat.
Yeah, room temperature is all I need for my Brachys.

As for Wild Ts, I saw in a Palawan communal Tarantulas Phlogiellus kwebaburdeos (google it) they all clasp together unlike other Ts. Atleast that's what I've read about them.
Then there's P.Baeri which I noticed is kinda common in the province and lastly, I think we have Perboomis here in the southern provinces.


Jul 27, 2016
Poor kid, just because his family is scared and uneducated with the animal, he is forced to let of what he wants. Ignorant fools.

Yeah, room temperature is all I need for my Brachys.

As for Wild Ts, I saw in a Palawan communal Tarantulas Phlogiellus kwebaburdeos (google it) they all clasp together unlike other Ts. Atleast that's what I've read about them.
Then there's P.Baeri which I noticed is kinda common in the province and lastly, I think we have Perboomis here in the southern provinces.
Those are interesting. I don't believe I have seen any of them in the US market. All of our T's (aphonopelma) are on the other side of the country from me. We have a lot of spiders in my area (jumping spiders, wolf spiders, black widows, etc.), but no tarantulas.


Jan 29, 2017
Those are interesting. I don't believe I have seen any of them in the US market. All of our T's (aphonopelma) are on the other side of the country from me. We have a lot of spiders in my area (jumping spiders, wolf spiders, black widows, etc.), but no tarantulas.
There are 5 native species of tarantula here, I only mentioned three. I'll research what the other two are and tag you. I haven't seen wolf spiders here yet though huntsman spiders and jumping spiders are common am just not sure about the other species coz I live within the metro.

Where ya from btw if ya don't mind me asking :)