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Avicularia sp. French Guyana


Mar 15, 2010
The spider in question was a 4.5 inch adult female that I was showing a group of children at a demonstration along with some other of my animals.
Unfortunately, children aren't greatly competent when it comes to a display of unusual creatures at 4pm, so the inevitable happened: some of the animals got annoyed.
One of these was the Avic, who has always been as good as gold when it came to presentations with adults or teenagers, but obviously couldn't handle 4th graders. So when I let her walk across a table and over my hands while some of the children were gathered around (some at a perfectly respectful and safe distance). One of the aforementioned munchkins then proceeded to leen with force on the table, making an audible thud as the spide was walking onto my left hand from the table. The result was its right fang inserted neetly and deeply into the palm of my hand just below the joint of my pinky finger.
Once having given the child what can only be called the look of death, I checked on the spider and me.
The spider had remover her fange and now sat calmly on my hand. I replaced in her container and immediately fealt the effects of the bite.
The symptoms were quite mild really (I mean it was an Avic after all), firstly the feeling like a hot pin and been stabbed into my flesh immediately after the bite which then lasted for another 2 hours or so. Thereafter the bite site became raised like a mosquitoe bite and fairly itchy. The site of fang insertion was red and sensitive to the touch, but the pain was ignorable.
Over the next two days, the symptoms wore off, and I was none the worse for ware. However, and for what reason I do not know, the red mark from where the fang went in is still there, like a tiny scar, and is slightly raised. It doesn't bother me, and I expect it shal fade over time, but it's strange all the same.
All in all, not the worst bite in the world, but still interesting :o_O: