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Avicularia avicularia


Oct 12, 2012
My 3.5" pinktoe turned around and tagged me last night. I felt it hit me like someone poked me with a tack a little bit. It was only slightly sore, maybe a dry bite of a little tap was all. Today, an ever so slight feeling there, but on a scale of 1-10 I cant even say a 1 because it is so miniscule. I brushed it's back leg to let it know I was there, I was going to try and move it out to clean its cage and put in some coconut husk for climbing. Then it turned around with the quickness and boom...I think he got me. It really wasn't painful at all and it took several minutes to realize fi I had been bit at all, no marks, and just an ever so slight pain in my thumb. I still don't know if this even qualifies as a bite or not.

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