Anyone in Ireland and UK watch Extreme Phobias on SKY 1 tonight?


Nov 26, 2013
I'm watching it now and they are dealing with arachnophobia. I was expecting the usual step by step leading up to handling an adult T with no regard for a tarantula's safety but what I have just seen was nothing short of total irresponsibility.
They made 10 terrified people rehouse A. geniculata slings which looked around 2". Their hands were shaking almost violently as they prodded the slings with sticks. Of course some of the slings bolted and were dropped. One person just tipped the contents of the old enclosure into the new enclosure burying the sling in substrate while another sling got flung onto the floor.
Now they are tormenting a B. smithi with a stick while the T is flicking hairs.

I'm all for conquering phobias but there must be a more responsible way to do it.