Another Snake Snerk

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
My pard doesn't cope real well with the slitherers unless she sees them coming... and preferably me between her and the snake. Something about being startled as she came winging in from work the other evening, grabbed the hook off my bike and went running down the road to shoo a Hannah off to safety. Call her a little weird.

So I pause at the steps up to our fav restaurant to admire an Ahaetulla in a bush, stage left. Wifeypoo comes around the bush, stage right. Perfect. Her and the snake, face to face, about a foot apart.
Wifey jumps back. Snakey rears back like it thought it was a cobra.
Wifey throws her arms in the air in front of her. Snakey throws itself backwards out of the bush. One of them let out of shriek.
Wifey spins about to run straight into the fender of the car. Snakey goes into zoom so hard it throws itself partly off the ground.
Wifey: Ooof! Car!! Snakey: Yipes! Canal!!
Wifey, exeunt stage right. Snakey, exuent stage left.
Me: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: