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  1. Dean Rider

    CB Mexican Death Feigning Beetle (Asbolus mexicanus mexicanus) Adult

    Fabulous! & Congratulations. Beautiful looking adult.
  2. IMG_5452.PNG


    Humid chamber using salt (NaCl) to keep 75% relative humidity.
  3. Dean Rider

    Blue Death-Feigning Beetle video with larvae update

    Great to see others following up on this process. Best wishes on getting pupae in the next couple of months!
  4. Dean Rider

    Death Feigner Pupation

    Sizzle and high five to you! Congratulations!!!
  5. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    UPDATE August 2018: Cincinnati Zoo now claims to have bred BDFB in captivity!
  6. Dean Rider

    Sexing Blue Death-Feigning Beetles

    Good to see you share this info in an easy to find manner... Sexing via antennae was in an old post, but is not so easy to find with the search function.
  7. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    I have almost the same thing as you describe going on now, but I have not seen it work yet (5 months on). In a separate experiment, I placed larvae on a temperature gradient (hot plate like surface) and waited for them to choose their location...always ended up in the area near room...
  8. Dean Rider

    Blue Death Feigning Beetle Egg Hatching

    It's your choice who you want to worship...see the update on progress here!
  9. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    You should post your methods on Cryptoglossa (which species?), and keep us updated on your progress with BDFB!!!
  10. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    It does take a certain amount of dedication (obsessiveness). I try to make the beetles think it is summer. Try a room/tank temperature in the mid to upper 70s. Try to give the beetles 12 or more hours of daylight/artificial daylight. I use a full spectrum fluorescent bulb on my tank with a...
  11. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    Yes, my goal is to find more efficient and cost effective methods, but at least I have a starting place. They lay 1-5 eggs per day at most! No problem...happy to help. I think that this could be one place to focus selective breeding make BDFB more like Tenebrio for mass...
  12. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    The cricket/carrot/coir meal plan works, but you can find lots of diet successes in these forums. For me, it was more important to have something that I could standardize, is trustworthy, and simple. The down side is that crickets (dried) are terribly expensive and even though you can get...
  13. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    It's a bit like Emmett Brown's DeLorean!
  14. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    I allow a mixed population of adults to randomly breed at 72-76 F in a 10 gallon tank or relatively large container with lots of surface area and play sand that is 3-4 inches deep. Provide plenty of fresh organic carrots and dried crickets to adults. Sift sand on a weekly basis to obtain eggs...
  15. Dean Rider

    Inducing BDFB to pupate

    I have had a lot of people ask me about getting blue death feigning beetles to adulthood in captivity. I also see a number of conflicting posts here in the forums about the subject. For anybody interested, it IS possible and takes less than a year. This video shows what you can achieve with...
  16. Dean Rider

    Blue death feigning beetle possibly laying eggs?

    I really do not know what it is. I have only seen it happen once with a female, but I have seen the dried version a couple of other times. It could be the remains of a spermatophore. Here is a vaguely similar squiggly spermatophore from fireflies...
  17. Dean Rider

    Blue DF Beetle Genome Project

    Don't forget the discount on BDFBs! Thanks for the Donation and the post! I feel blessed, and compelled to let others know about your offer to discount BDFBs if they donate to the project. However, there are only a few days left to take advantage of the offer.
  18. Dean Rider

    Blue death feigning beetle possibly laying eggs?

    Clear Fluid from Female Blue Death Feigning Beetle I captured this screen shot from a video I took of a female depositing a clear fluid like you described. After she finished, she tried to eat it, but I removed to see what it was. It was fairly rigid and gel-like with a sticky surface. I...
  19. Dean Rider

    Blue Death Feigning Beetle Egg Hatching

    Awesome. Good luck with your larvae. I think my first one basically got desiccated since I was keeping it in a dry mix. The three new ones are in a small box with a moisture gradient (more moist at the bottom) and they are hanging out towards the bottom.