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  1. korg

    Chilobrachys natanicharum, new species described.

    Glad scientists finally got this one described. A cool spider for sure! Hey, it could have been worse. Ever heard of the monkey?
  2. korg

    Temperature Requirements/Effects

    I'm sure it'll be fine. Plenty of folks in the PNW keep them at room temperature without issues!
  3. korg

    Scientists discover why tarantulas come in vivid blues and greens...

    I was reading this today in the NYT and of course had to come here to read what my spider people are saying... very interesting stuff! I have always understood tarantulas to have very limited/primitive "vision" so this would be a big update if borne out. I often see people say this (no green...
  4. korg

    H. Gigas sling care

    Looks fine to me. This genus is very hardy in my experience, so I don't think you'll have any problems... I'd be surprised if your gigas hasn't already just burrowed to the bottom of that vial! They don't need a hide, water dish, or much horizontal space. They dig amazing burrows and eat/grow...
  5. korg

    damaged parts

    Answered your own question! What do you mean by "salvageable?" Yeah, they can regrow multiple limbs.
  6. korg

    Mushrooms growing in P. Regalis enclosure

    Yep, removing the caps is like picking an apple to get rid of an apple tree. They are fine to leave or remove!
  7. korg

    Vitalius Wackerti

    Come on y'all, let's just be friendly spider nerds together. I don't imagine these would require any special/unusual care or conditions other than regular NW terrestrial setup. Kind of an uncommon species, so not a lot out there about them... you should post some photos and updates from what...
  8. korg

    Revision of eight cuban species of Cyrtopholis genus.

    Sounds like the genus needed this... and more!
  9. korg

    Please help solve this disagreement about Temp.

    Hahaha... good one. You're getting lots of good advice here that I won't duplicate, but can't let a good pun go unrecognized.
  10. korg

    Slow growing c versicolor??

    Temperature not a problem, as noted by your other slings growing just fine in the exact same environment. You just got a slow grower in the bunch!
  11. korg

    Dead or molting? HELP!!!

    Sorry to see it. How long did you have this spider before it died? Can you post a photo of the entire enclosure? These are pretty exclusively arboreal spiders so they should be kept in a vertically oriented enclosure with vertical hide/web points etc off the ground.
  12. korg

    P Miranda lethargic not moving

    Yeah, this stuck out to me as well... the spider either arrived with nematodes (in which case I don't think it would have seemed/looked "normal" or lasted for this long) or they were introduced by some seriously funky external source (feeder, soil, litter, etc). Sorry to see this. It was a very...
  13. korg

    Comment by 'korg' in media 'Rubronitens'

    Very nice!! These are indeed like super beefy vagans. Bought a sling a while ago which I have now at 2-3" determined to be male... has never given attitude, eats well and grows quickly. If you are ever in need of a male just let me know!
  14. korg

    Brown A. Seemanni molted and turned blue?

    Very nice tarantula... Aphonopelma seemanni "blue"
  15. korg

    Could you?

    Uhh... I'm almost afraid to ask what happens after that point.
  16. korg

    How to feed spiders you can't see? [Fossorials, etc]

    It's much easier with prekilled prey... in 24h if they're gone then they were eaten, if not then take them out! I don't think you really have to worry too much about burrowers coming out of their burrows and starting to eat before they're recovered after a molt. If their body isn't fully ready...
  17. korg

    Augacephalus junodi sling care

    I unfortunately don't have any of these (they're gorgeous spiders), but you can keep them just like OBT, or any other burrowing tarantula from dry African scrubland. Here's their natural habitat if you're interested:
  18. korg

    Sling with a broken leg?

    Nothing you can or should do. The spider will either drop the leg, regain function, or carry it around until it molts out. I once had a sling with a completely "dead" leg after a molt, literally dragging it behind as it crawled around, completely regain normal use of the leg a few days later. So...