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  1. P

    wow p.cancerides fangs are scary!!!

    Is it possible that this difference is related to prey selection, or would it be more related to weight? Pokies are kind of light bodied after all, but they're also arboreal, which might mean a totally different menu. Maybe venom toxicity? I imagine you wouldn't need much of a fang to kill...
  2. P

    5 Pulchras. Tough Investment Question

    Thanks for the help, I'm taking stats next semester which is kind of intimidating. :eek:
  3. P

    5 Pulchras. Tough Investment Question

    Every individual flip is 50/50 but when you evaluate the chances of one combination of flips coming up the odds become skewed. If you flip a coin twice there are four possible outcomes. Either flip 1 and flip 2 are both tails, flip 1 and flip 2 are both heads, flip 1 is a head and flip 2 is a...
  4. P

    5 Pulchras. Tough Investment Question

    So let's run some figures. Assume that sex ratios are even for G. Pulchra slings (ie 50/50: basically a coin flip). If you flip a coin 2 times, it's only a 25% chance for you to get two tails, likewise there's only a 1/4 chance that you would get 2 male pulchras. If you flip a coin 4...
  5. P

    Scientific names vs Common names

    I always just thought it was easier too memorize one set of names rather than three. Most dealers use scientific names, and if you spend some time just looking at the galleries you kind of learn to connect the names to tarantulas pretty quickly.
  6. P

    Nhandu coloratovillosus vs. nhandu chromatus vs. Acanthoscurria geniculata

    I'd still say go for all three, or the genic if you simply MUST pick one. I wouldn't feel comfortable handling any of them, but then again, I don't really handle my tarantulas.
  7. P

    Insecticide Resistant Tarantulas

    This was going to be my post, but IBT beat me to it. Best idea for this is to just send me the spare vagans slings, and keep pesticides away from your tarantulas. ;P There's also a chance that you'd get way too far into inbreeding. Captive populations are already a bottleneck, and then you'd...
  8. P

    hysterocrates care

    Add some isopods. Honestly though, cocofiber alone doesn't mold and mite that much, so for the most part you should be alright.
  9. P

    what to get next?

    I've only kept regalis, but I loved those. From what I've heard, the differences between the genuses are relatively minor. Genics rule too, like hardcore. OBTs are another great idea. I like hysterocrates sp. as well. There's so many.
  10. P

    what to get next?

    Well, what are you interested in? My top four tarantulas are acanthoscurria geniculata, lasiodora parahybana, chromatopelma cyanopubescens and poecilotheria sp., but you might want something else. Nhandu genus is another good looking genus.
  11. P

    Largest Communal Project??

    I'd say the best idea is a nice dart frog tank. Tarantulas are nice, but if you really want to do a communal project, darts are great. Leucs or galacts would never fight, you can set up a kickass cage with a ton of plants. Then you can keep the rest of your T's in five gallons on top of the cage.
  12. P

    Putting tarantulas back in the wild?

    I don't know about that, the only danger from inbreeding is the presence of certain recessive alleles becoming homozygotes. If there was a selection pressure in the wild that originally removed the homozygotes' recessive genes, the same pressure should remove the homozygotes in short order. I...
  13. P

    vials and deli cups

    Good to know, I've been feeding my cresties and giant gecko out of water bottle tops; these would be a kickass alternative.
  14. P

    Good First Burrowing Species?

    My first burrowing species was a haplopelma hainanum, butt honestly, I'd say you could do any of them. As far as I can remember, most of the obligate burrowers are OW, so you'll be dealing with a pissed off, venomous spider in any case. Haplopelma lividum is a GORGEOUS tarantula that's...
  15. P

    mixing Avics.

    Voting deathmatch. I don't understand why people get into this mindset. What's the appeal? If you want a tank with lots of different animals all living together, get some fish.
  16. P

    Your criteria in choosing T's?

    Mostly behavior, then size if I'm honest. My favorite t's are genics and pokies, animals that are out on display and BIG!
  17. P

    Jumping Spider Webs

    Yeah, I'm having problems with that already. It's been half a week and I've thrown in a fruit fly and two pinheads just to see him take them down. I'll go find a nice clear mason jar, make it look pretty. I'm not sure about finding a mate, it's already getting kind of cold. I've named him/her...
  18. P

    Jumping Spider Webs

    Yeah, she's definitely cute. I think I could have been more clear about the markings and such not, sorry for that. Any advice about enclosure size, humidity, etc?
  19. P

    Jumping Spider Webs

    Here's two, I'm just direct linking them.
  20. P

    Jumping Spider Webs

    Well here's the weird thing, it looks like a p. audax. It has green chelicerae and the exact markings of an audax (leg stripes, opisothosmatic stripes). Oh wait, I just found it. IT IS A P. AUDAX! <a href="" target="_blank"><img...