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  1. R

    Am I ready?

    I'd say go for it! Buy it as a sling, to eas your mother's mind lol!
  2. R

    What are the odds of a tarantula escaping?

    Just a suggestion? I got this really cool container from one of the family dollar, and it had a nice lid that screwed on. It was some sort of kitchen container, but it worked perfect for my 4 inch p. irminia. Just had to drill a few air holes. I liked the screw on lid though, because there...
  3. R

    Landlord just found out about my Ts

    Yeah, most dont see a problem with MOST tank pets, however it is still a good idea to ask LOL! I know snakes tend to be a different story though. Congrats on the approval though !!!!
  4. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    So, obviouly people see thing differently and that is fine.... however this thread turned into a highschool flame-fest. There are some who see the rudeness that I saw, and some that dont. It's written text, which obviously can be seen in different ways. Whether it was meant to be rude or...
  5. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    EDIT-makes more sense this way I bought MY first T a little over a year ago. I see where you're going though. However, my dad owned and bred b. smithi's for the first.. im guessing 10 years of my life, and we also owned(as a family) a few brachys, from about 4-18 we also had an h. lividum...
  6. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    You silly blonde! Glad I could help!
  7. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    But, the ones I'm referring to, they arent people asking for help(take note to the example), but are not prepared, etc, etc. If you have more than one T, you know about how much you will be spending on the T, and the supplies. I won't hate on someone asking for help, but help them, or point...
  8. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    Seriously, I did have tarantulas since I was born, so I grew up in the hobby. My dad got his first T 2 years before I was born. Since I was 4, we've have many different types of snakes, lizards, frogs, etc. I grew up doing this. And, I have seen "noobs" in the hobby know more than vets...
  9. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    And, for the record, age does not mean maturity. I'm not saying I'm all that mature, but I got miles on you bud. I've been dealing in exotics about as long as you have... still doesnt make you mature.... maybe someone should take a good long look in the mirror before trying to ridicule others...
  10. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    Um, you came into my thread and brought in foul language and an attitude worse than Joe's.... I dont understand how mine was "way too defensive", especially in comparison to your "know-it-all" attitude. Simple solution... dont click on my threads if ya dont like em :)
  11. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    it's ok, most react that way when put in their place and they know it, but dont have the gonads to admit it. i understand <3
  12. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    lmao... maybe someone should read before they reply whining... jus sayin
  13. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    Well, I never said you have seen evidence of it, but i have. Also, I also believe I stated that all animals have issues with it......... so yeah thanks for playing....
  14. R

    A. diversipes vs. P. metallica

    I'm gonna hafta say diversipes, I'm hopefully gonna be getting one soon, and I cant wait!
  15. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    HAHA dont apologize! I'm acually planning to open a pet store(in the next 10 years lmao).. but a good one, where ALL the animals are housed propely, and the employees are at least partially trained, with PROPER care sheets on hand to give the customers, etc. People see pets as disposable...
  16. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    MORE THAN ONCE! I think it was something similar to how my ex worked. He didn't have a job, and finally after he killed his H mac, I stopped buying them for him, so he'd save up money from doing "chores" for his grandfather and buy a bunch of Ts with it, leaving him flat broke. Thats the only...
  17. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    LMAO i never did say many quite like you travis! The emphisis is because it happens way too much. I'll have to add threads I see to this to show how much it actually does happen.
  18. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    It bothers me because it is way too many. My ex was one of them, and I ended up buying all his Ts and giving them away to a friend. (a 4 inch regalis does not belong in a small deli, etc) I had also seen a thread of someone keeping a P. murinus in an empty ice cream box, but I cant find it...
  19. R

    One thing I dont understand about MANY in the hobby.

    Here's the example that led me to makig this thread. It pretty much ends in a dead spider...... This post in particular "I suppose it made more sense to me as I wrote it, because I am the one whose looking at the set up. The books are...