Search results

  1. furryscaly

    My Inverts

    I think that's everybody... ARTHROPODS 0.1.0 chilean rose-haired tarantula (Grammostola rosea) 0.1.0 zebra tarantula (Aphonopelma seemanni) 0.0.1 daring jumping spider (Phidippus audax) 0.1.0 unknown stick insect (Family: Phasmatidae) 1.1.0 oriental cockroaches (Blatta orientalis)...
  2. furryscaly

    Introduce Yourself

    What's happenin? I'm Matt. New here, but not new to inverts. Been keeping small exotic pets all my life. I'm 19 and from North Dakota, but now I'm in the Air Force and life in Maryland. I have over 50 pets, most of them herps. Very interested in Ts, scorps, and pretty much any creepy...