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  1. woodson

    Rhopalurus junceus babies

    very cute babies...
  2. woodson

    Two-tailed T. falconensis born

    Oh my God! It is my first time to see so rare alive scorplings! It's so interesting that he has 2 tails. Can he live well with 2 tails? Hope it can grow healthy... :) :)
  3. woodson

    road trip to china, hainan - pics n report

    I like the preying mantis prawn very much, and u, u eat them! ......
  4. woodson

    6 months to hit adulthood

    Hi it loooks grow too fast....can you take some more pics for it?
  5. woodson

    Today a package from Peru

    they are so beautiful. I am a little confused, why the 2nd instar looked so different with the adult ones?
  6. woodson

    Lychas Scutilus - breeding Project report

    I have not been here for a few days, but look that your scorpions are so good! congratulations! :D
  7. woodson

    Some fresh moult and Premoult pictures :)

    they look so pretty! I like to see them just moult, looks brightful...
  8. woodson

    Who can help me? What it is?

    these scorpions are bought last week, but I am not shure what it is. can anyone here help me?
  9. woodson

    Babycurus gigas

    Hi Drapion, it looks really beautiful. :? :? but how can I distinguish it with B jacksoni? The black chela? Woodson
  10. woodson

    some pics of C.limpidus limpidus

    Hi Very cuty scorpions. Hope you can breed them successfully
  11. woodson

    New species Identified - Centroctonus Bicolor!!!

    hehe, so it can be called as Centrurometrus xanthopus...
  12. woodson

    Pics! DU Warning

    Ah! nice pics and scorps! Especially the pallidus are!
  13. woodson

    AB is back!!!

    Today I go to the website again and found it works again! so happy here... Here are my new scorpions.;)
  14. woodson

    C. margaritatus common name?

    I like the common names because I can not translate the scientific name into Chinese here. We call it as Mexico bark scorpion here in China.
  15. woodson

    Scorpions from Africa

    I think it is definitely Hottentotta spp. You should feed him well, when he become fat, you wll find that the tail is not thick like before... :)
  16. woodson

    V. Spinigerus owners please read

    V. Spinigerus is a very cutty guy. But I won't use sand as the substrate, I would like to choose soil.
  17. woodson

    Scorpion Picture Thread

    Nice Liocheles waigiensis! the bigger one maybe gravid already!
  18. woodson

    2 good news

    congratulations, Ed! How can you feed the A crassicauda so good! Mind 3rd instar is not big now, will itbe huge after molting? Woodson
  19. woodson

    How to keep Rh. junceus

    thank you all my friends! I have finished his home, according to all of your suggestions. Give them humid envirenment and feed each of them 1 cricket. When I get up today, I found they are now very fat. :D and Luc, I will keep going... But I think I can only have the largest scorps collection...
  20. woodson

    heterometrus longimanus

    Oh my god! I do not think it is a Heterometrus longimanus. I think the stinger should be red. If it is just black, I think it is hererometrus spinifer. Woodson