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  1. Predator and Prey Exotics

    Review by 'Comatose' on item 'Predator and Prey Exotics'

    Because of the date limit I'll base this on my last transaction with Dylan, but every interaction I've had with him has been excellent. I highly recommend P&P and will not hesitate to do business with him again!
  2. Comatose

    Xenesthis affinis intermedius “Crazed Bloom”

    "Backfire" is a uniquely silly one; it's more accurate to call it cf. immanis. The species we know as immanis in the hobby likely represents a complex or species group that has minor differences because of geographic isolation. Long hair, short hair and other variants are more constructive, I...
  3. Comatose

    Xenesthis affinis intermedius “Crazed Bloom”

    I've been told by several knowledgeable people with no commercial interests that they are indeed distinct from hobby intermedia. YMMV, FYI, IDC. Did anyone else see there are four valid species now, by the way?
  4. Comatose

    Introducing Xenesthis sp. megaseta

    afaik only the lot we brought in; we have adult females and juv males so hopefully we can change No worries; short answer no. I have a molt I meant to send to another member here for evaluation, but with a million things going on I just haven’t gotten to it. That’s obviously on me. We’re...
  5. Comatose


    The South Carolina connection is “Casey K”, aka Casey Wright.
  6. Comatose

    [Warning] = Eresusspidershop Tarantula Outlet is owned and operated by the guy behind Eresus Spiders. The two LLCs have the same California address, and the same California registered agent, but it gets shadier from there. The about us section of their site claims they are owned by...
  7. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    The original Lacey amendment was part of a massive omnibus spending bill that ostensibly focused on semiconductor manufacture but contains hundreds of line items of other totally unrelated stuff; it was called the America COMPETES act. It was passed by the house but not the razor thin senate...
  8. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    as of this morning a stripped down version of the bill which focuses only on semiconductor subsidies was added to yet another bill, passed in the senate and is now headed back to the house. As far as I can tell it contains nothing related to the Lacey Act. No clue why more isn’t being made if...
  9. Comatose

    Introducing Xenesthis sp. megaseta

    I have an adult molt I’ve been meaning to send to a friend in Europe for clearer evaluation… now that I’ve been reminded I’ll try to get that done soon. I also have some young intermedia I can post pictures of, but I suspect they’re past N2. My understanding on monstrosa is that the type...
  10. Comatose

    Has anyone ever traveled for Ts?

    Miami to Boston this past January. I flew down then drove back solo in 21 hours. In February 2021 my partner and I drove down to Atlanta and back; I want to say that took just under 48 hours total. I win something, right? I mean other than that speeding ticket.
  11. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    It’s kind of weird that the amendment explicitly excludes cats, dogs and farm animals then, no? Given that they’re the vast, vast majority of invasive and feral animals, you’d think they’d actually focus there. I do love the idea that this spectacular delegation of power and authority being...
  12. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    It’s in committee in the senate now. They have to reconcile it with a similar but but smaller bill which does not contain the Lacey component. It will be a little bit before it actually moves to a vote.
  13. Comatose

    Please Experts Advice about Robusta

    I look to duplicate the mass of normal food items. I picture about half the size of a US quarter.
  14. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    I don’t think panic buying is the right response. I can certainly see that happening if this passes, and in the year before it takes effect I’m sure plenty of folks would do that, but anyone telling you to buy now before it’s too late or whatever is just trying to take advantage of a bad...
  15. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    That’s interesting. I guess my questions would be does the current/proposed language actually exclude non-crustacea arthropods, and is the import provision bound by the same limitation. If so I guess that is reassuring, but it doesn’t change my view of the proposal. It also wouldn’t stop USFWS...
  16. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    Is that the basis by which they’ve prevented the importation of millipedes and isopods?
  17. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    Did he really say that? If so I can only think he misspoke, because that makes no sense. USDA-APHIS and USFWS essentially share jurisdiction as it applies to injurious or invasive species and routinely work together. If you attempt to import an animal banned by USDA, chances are they’ll be...
  18. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    I hate “trust me” posts, but trust me: USFWS uniquely hates the tarantula/invert hobby. If you’re aware of the situation that developed with seladonia a few years ago, know that not only has it not gone away, it’s gotten much broader and much worse. It may be a similar situation with some...
  19. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    Makes my blood boil. He’s spectacularly ignorant and his interpretation of the section he’s discussing is pure invention on his part. He doesn’t even address the changes to the injurious species provision, and he’s reading the “white list” provision the way a small child would interpret bad...
  20. Comatose

    Lacey Act 2022

    The vast majority of captive bred spiders in the US are European. People simply assume that breeders here are able to supply the hobby, but it simply isn’t the case. We are decades behind Europe in this area, and there’s no chance we catch up to compensate if this passes. I wish people...