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  1. El Johano

    Identification help

    Thanks for your input! I haven't had the time to take better pictures or to have a go at the key yet. I'll post an update when I have! The ID that I have is just what they were labelled as when I got them in a trade a few years back, they were only scorplings at the time. I have been suspicious...
  2. El Johano

    Identification help

    Hi all, could anyone please give me some help on the ID of the scorpion pictured below? I know what I think it is, but I'd like to get a second opinion! If you need more pics of details or better quality ones please let me know! Thanks!
  3. El Johano

    savannah national park....

    Bear trap in a national park?? What the hell! Is that allowed in the US? Edit: Oh and nice pics BTW, seems like a nice place :)
  4. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    Awesome! How many young are there? Looks like they produce rather few?
  5. El Johano

    L. malayanus SLINGS!!!

    Congratulations! Thay take pinhead crickets without problems. They grow fairly slow so you've got some work ahead of you :)
  6. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    They are from the rainforest near Alta Floresta, Brazil.
  7. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    Any guesses on this one? It's from Brazil.
  8. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    Awesome! I'm very jealous. How many have you got?
  9. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    Wow!!!! Send some to me!!! :} Edit: Did that one just moult or why is it so pale?
  10. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    You got e-mail.
  11. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    Unfortunately 2 of them died during shipping. I keep them in the freezer for ID purposes. I can send them to you if you would like to help me. As for sending live ones, I only have 7 of them so I would like to keep all for breeding purposes. However I found a spermatophore this morning so I...
  12. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    Great pics Michael! I got some unidentified amblypygids from the Dominican republic this week. I have no idea on what they are, not even what genus :wall:
  13. El Johano

    Thereupoda sp. Malaysia

    Sounds awesome! They seem pretty easy to care for, I'm hopefully getting a few within a month or so. Have you tried keeping them in a communal setup?
  14. El Johano

    Thereupoda sp. Malaysia

    Cool! Is she dropping the eggs? Not holding on to them like most centipedes? Got any pics?
  15. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    That sounds very interesting! Tell us more!
  16. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    That is sad, those pedipalps are amazing!
  17. El Johano

    Some wonderful whip spider photos

    Awesome!! I am very jealous! Especially love the E. armanica and the Heterophrynus sp. Have you managed to keep the E. armanica alive? I've heared they can be rather difficult.
  18. El Johano

    Latrodectus from New Zealand

    L. hasselti are common in Europe, I've also seen L. katipo for sale but that was a while ago.
  19. El Johano

    species existing only in captivity?

    Poecilotheria smithi is a species that may soon be extinct in the wild. They are found in a small area that is currently being turned into market gardens or houses...
  20. El Johano

    species existing only in captivity?

    They are in the European hobby....