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    Just got a new spider

    "Haplopelma aureopilosum" is a species name that has be discarded. The species that it relate to is now called "Ornithoctonus aureotibialis." I have two of these, but they look a tiny bit different to the photos you have.
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    What kind of spider was it?
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    Fasting for too long

    I would say it depends more factors than what has been discussed. I find that it can depend on the temperature in your house as well. The onset of the cold weather has resulted in an overall temperature drop in my house - this has resulted in decreased feeding response exhibited by almost all...
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    Blue P. rufilata?

    I have an adult female with the blue colour on the underside of the legs. So yes, it keeps those colours!
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    I work on insecticide resistance of spiders and endosymbiont-driven evolution.
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    possible break through! need your advice!

    Thinking about it, I know someone who works on spider mating behaviour. If anyone knows, she will. The other day she way putting spiders 'mid-copulation' into liquid nitrogen to freeze them in position. The idea was then to put them into the fancy new 3D x-ray scanner machine and look inside...
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    possible break through! need your advice!

    How long will spider sperm last for outside of the body? I understand the process of making a sperm web etc, but surely it degrades rapidly? Wouldn't this also increase risk of infections? I wouldn't want to try this with a hard to find species unless it was an absolute last resort!:?
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    possible break through! need your advice!

    They look a bit 'sharp' to be putting on a syringe. Surely it would be better to utilise something that is soft, thereby not damaging the spider?
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    Monocentropus lambertoni / Madagascar pics Available as a breeding group or individually @
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    Only 2 tarantulas out of the collection

    That sucks.... How long did it take to sell 723 spiders? And which ones did you keep?
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    Enforced fast over winter.

    I'm explaining my intentions (admittedly rather clumsily). A space heater is currently on full belt and the temperature in here is 66.2F. Lower than is desired, but just about acceptable.
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    Enforced fast over winter.

    Hi, I've ramped the heating right up in my room, but am only able to get the ambient temp up to about 65F. Those spiders that require a bit more heat are provided with heat mats on the side of their tanks. As the weather is getting colder and colder, I'm finding that many of my spiders are...
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    Only 2 tarantulas out of the collection

    If I could only keep two, it would be my AF P. miranda and AF B. boehmei. Would be very difficult getting rid of all the rest, though!
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    Only 2 tarantulas out of the collection

    I recommend getting one (minimum) and finding out for yourself! They're great looking and got the temperament of a SCUD missile.....:D I got a new one today, a nice mean adult female. Not one for handling.
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    Are there any solid facts known about T metabolism?

    The weight is really difficult to shift once it's on. Just ask my missus...
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    ever heard of these T's (common names) is selling a G. rosea (RCF) as a Chile beauty.
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    Anybody heard of a "grey morph tarantula"

    I'd just give it a miss, to be honest. Keep hold of the tank, my money is on it being rosie.
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    Care Sheets

    People deemed suitable for the task.
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    Care Sheets

    I think we could do better ones if we do them on a 'peer-reviewed' basis, much like the process of submitting a paper to a scientific journal. What about linking stuff from Photobucket or something similar?