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  1. Domenico Piero

    User J.huff23's pictures

    Hi ; Your Haplocosmia Himalayana is just beautiful, WOW ! :wacky: Best..
  2. Domenico Piero

    Haplocosmia himalayana care?

    Hello ; I go back to this subject because I have just acquired mine and I would like to know the humidity rate to have for its maintenance. A thousand thanks in advance, very cordially .. Domenico
  3. Domenico Piero

    Introduce Yourself

    Hi friends ; Some probably already know me and others do not. I live in Belgium and I maintain many reptiles and tarantulas (see my list). I am 55 years old and I have fallen in the terrarium since 1998, a long time already lol That's it, I'll see you soon, well and I would like to join ;)
  4. Domenico Piero

    Eresus walckenaeri

    Female Eresus walckenaeri
  5. Domenico Piero

    Scorpion Picture Thread

    Hadogenes troglodytes Hottentotta hottentotta
  6. Domenico Piero

    User Domenico Piero's picture thread

    Psalmopoeus cambridgei
  7. Domenico Piero

    User Domenico Piero's picture thread

    Poecilotheria vittata
  8. Domenico Piero

    User Domenico Piero's picture thread

    Poecilotheria regalis
  9. Domenico Piero

    User Domenico Piero's picture thread

    Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
  10. Domenico Piero

    User Domenico Piero's picture thread

    Lasiodora parahybana
  11. Domenico Piero

    User Domenico Piero's picture thread

    Female Grammostola rosea
  12. Domenico Piero

    User Domenico Piero's picture thread

    Cyriopagopus hati hati
  13. Domenico Piero

    Request Access to the Europe forum

    Hi friends Some probably already know me and others do not. I live in Belgium and I maintain many reptiles and tarantulas (see my list). I am 55 years old and I have fallen in the terrarium since 1998, a long time already lol That's it, I'll see you soon, well and I would like to join ;)