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  1. WickedTwinz

    Question about red runners

    How often do you feed them, in about to get some an was looking on here for info
  2. WickedTwinz

    Springtails survival

    Ok I normally keep a corner on 1/3 of a side damp just so the T can choose which it prefer.. But thank u that info is really helpful
  3. WickedTwinz

    Springtails survival

    Just order some springtails for my Ts enclosurers an I've been doing research them an I pretty much get it. But I've been looking for info about how to keep them alive once introduced into your Ts enclosurers.. Is the anything specific that needs to been done or is it just as simple as putting...
  4. WickedTwinz

    Gbb question

    Went to check in it abt an hour ago an it had flipped on its back so it's finally molting about a month in.. Thanks for the advice!!!!
  5. WickedTwinz

    Gbb question

    So I got a question this is my first T an wondering do they web themself up when they are in premolt.. Mine web itself up like 3 weeks ago an hasn't come out nor excerpts food, an ik not wanting food means premolt or not hungry an it has a fat booty lol ... Here is are 2 pic of it before it...
  6. WickedTwinz

    nhandu chromatus sling husbandry

    I was looking into getting a nhandu chromatus, but as I researcher the husbandry for them all I can find is adult care. So the question is, how do you take care of this tarantula as a sling.
  7. WickedTwinz

    Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens sling premolt??

    Thank you for the advice I'ma follow it!!
  8. WickedTwinz

    Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens sling premolt??

    Sling been refusing food for Abt 2 weeks, an acts skittish and defensive when trying to feed. So I was wondering do y'all think my sling is in premolt. Here are a couple pics if more an needed or a better pic plz let me know..
  9. WickedTwinz

    New owner question

    I'm a new tarantula owned. I already have a sling Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens (GBB), an I was Abt to purchase another T, an they are offering a freebee with my purchase. so my question is would a Nhandu coloratovillosus (Brazilian Black and White Tarantula), be a good started T for an own...
  10. WickedTwinz

    Premolt sling

    Thank u everyone for the help
  11. WickedTwinz

    Premolt sling

    I feed it ever I got the set up from Jamie's tarantula one of there beginner kits, it said it was a terrestrial.. an I've only feed it twice both times it attack it quick an yea I only feed it every 3 days
  12. WickedTwinz

    Is my gbb sling in pre molt?

    From what I heard spilling a lil over the dish is fine should dry up pretty fast
  13. WickedTwinz

    Premolt sling

    Thank y'all so much it was alot of help.. I think it just might know be hungry it is active still well mostly but it kinda shinny. Also the T is on the side of it enclosure so it can still climb pretty good..thank u for the advice This was a pic for yesterday
  14. WickedTwinz

    Premolt sling

    I new to the hobby an have only had my GBB sling for about a week now. When I first got the T It was a good eatter but today it has refused food twice, I think it might be in premolt but I'm not sure. Can anyone tell me the signs to know when my GBB sling is in remolt. Yes I have tried to look...