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    Need some advice on DOA's

    Thank you for those who have aknowledged my efforts to make a positive step forward in a very ugly situation.
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    Need some advice on DOA's

    I am the shipper in this instance.I do not know who this Andrew is in Canada, but I have never lived or shipped anything from there.I welcome all your feedback,but I will not argue here, as the situation is at rest and I have post a reply in my own review, if people want to know my...
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    Anole sex, lol need info!

    In my experience,anoles are super easy to breed.I wouldn' keep a pair in anything less than a densly planted 20 gallon high.The 65 gallon reptariums are perfect for them and you set them outdoors in the nice weather.They need UVB lights and a high quality UVA source to bask under and provide...
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    Ohhhh Man! P. cambridgei

    great,I'll get on it:D
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    Ohhhh Man! P. cambridgei

    How big does the female have to be?I have a MM and female that's about 5-6''.Can I breed her yet?
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    M. balfouri? whats the big deal?

    responce to seanbond The keys words in my post indicate, that ''some'' people, not ALL people buy expensive,rare,or coveted items to gain recognition.Some buy luxury cars,some buy expensive clothes,some want the next greatest tarantula.There is a desire for exclusivety.No reason for you to take...
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    M. balfouri? whats the big deal?

    I've seen a lot of instances where the rare and sought after species are coveted by the lesser known members of a hobby or group to gain recognition.I think that happens less on arachnoboards,than in some herp forums,where the climate is more brutal.For me,I appreciate blue tartantulas,but I...
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    My last nerve...

    I challenge you to attempt a day with a Jack Russle Terrier.BIG fun there:D
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    losing interest in tanks (rather fast)

    I have not read through all of the post,so if this was siad already,I apologise for the repeat.Goldfish are coldwater species and when brought to tropical temps and mixed with tropical species,the diseases thay harbor come to light...ick being one of the most common.Raising temps in the aquarium...
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    Supplements/vitamins/calcium etc

    I think gutloading is an ill-defined and often used term.To me, one should not load the feeder up with nutrient dense food,just before being fed.This may work with reptiles that typically ingest the feeder more or less whole,so would get the undigested stomach contents of the feeder as part of...
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    does your nahndu chromatus burrow?

    Mine are always out,unless molting.They never burrowed and I gave them haved cork tubes with the substrate scraped out from inside to form a hide and they seldom use these at all.They are very fast and freakish...they zoom about as soon as the lid is off.They will run out of the container and...
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    Inter breeding species

    In general,most intergrades have to originate form the same genus at least.It would be impossible to get ANY offspring from such a pairing.What's wrong with natural species and color morphs?
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    Changing a light bulb saved a life

    I'm with Rochelle.Both dog types are known for intelligence.Intelligence int he absence of supervision/stimulation=rotten behavior.I have a Jack Russel TERROR.Spiteful breed....he's eaten medication,vitamins,permanent markers,diamond earrings,remotes,shoes,leather belts,irreplaceable...
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    For protein with cricket bodies?

    I have to add that, just because a species eats or doesn't eat things in the wild,does not always dictate what said species should/could/or would do in captivity.For example: A green iguana will generally accept animal protein in captivity.This has proven to be to its detriment,b/c it causes...
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    Savannah Monitor Taming

    Hey, It's Andrew.Make sure you get that thing a fecal check and vet checked.I advise at least three clean stool samples after meds or an intitial ''clean'' check,to be sure it is free of worms,ameobas,and other nasties.Let it settle in a few weeks under proper housinf with good lighting,correct...
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    bearded dragons claws?

    Instead of slate,you can also use ceramic or stone tiles that are 12''X12''.These wear down the nails,are great basking spots,are easily replaced when soiled and can be sterilized in the dishwasher(I wouldn't run them with human dishes:eek:),and you can choose colors that best show off the...
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    Found some of the best dry food for roaches tonight :D

    Having raised 9 species of roaches at one time or another,I have found some things that seem to be useful.I used to hate the idea of the silicone watering crystals,but there is a natural agar product available at , that can be used in stead or one could use gelatin from...
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    Decisions, decisions....

    I wouldn't rule them out as display Ts.Mine were young and had no adult coloration...about 0.33''.Now,they are about pinky nail sized(3 months later) and are vividly colored,skittish,but typically visible.They burrow and sometimes one or the other will disappear for a time down it's tunnel or...
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    bowl feeding P.imperator

    I use roaches almost exclusively,but I feared they would evade the scorpions and they would starve.
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    bowl feeding P.imperator

    I just decided to try lifting out all of the leaves and feeding them,when they were uncovered.They seemed to eat fine that way and weren't overly stressed by being exposed for feeding.