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  1. M

    Introduce Yourself

    Hey guys, my name is Marc. my first tarantulas were two goliath bird eaters, I am trying to sell them and get something smaller.
  2. M

    Slings help needed

    Don't give them too wide of a space, they need soil depth. Good luck, my first tarantulas were Goliath bird eaters, should of started with something smaller.
  3. M

    Exo Terra heating - Styrofoam backgrounds, melting lids

    I have a ceramic heater sitting on the mesh in between the plastic. It has never melted the plastic or the Styrofoam, there is also a heat pad on the side of the glass, part of it is touching the Styrofoam and it's not melting.
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    L. difficilis sling enclosure recommendations

    I would agree with Cold Blood, this is too large of a container for a small sling.
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    Think it's time for another dog

    Go for a labradoodle.
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    Sand as substrate

    I have no experience with it but it could just be one of those "over protective" things people do for their pets.
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    Went in a new direction

    I have always wanted a mantis, None of the repticons I have gone to so far have had them.
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    Bugs--arthropods or Hemiptera?

    I would consider arthropods bugs.
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    Cricket breeding question

    I do it without the mesh and have had no problems, they produce fine.
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    User My First Tarantulas

    Congratulations, my first two were Goliath bird eaters, probably should have started with something smaller.
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    Tarantulas Feeding/Eating!

    All my spider does is sit in it's cave and waits for the food to go in there.
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    User antinous Photo Journal

    These pictures are great!
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    User Finn's Tarantula Pictures

    I have always liked this species.
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    Five Poecilotheria species - Endangered status and limitations

    They probably want "the professionals" to be breeding the spiders and don't want them to be in the hands of someone who might not know how to take care of them.