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  1. Pocilotheria fasciata

    Pocilotheria fasciata

    Mature female eating Archimandrita tesselatta
  2. W

    Does anybody here do children's shows?

    Have done quite litterally hundreds of shows for schools, scout groups, the local zoo, childrens museum, etc... I have always been responsible for transportation, housing and of show has always been responsible for insurance, permits, etc. As the owner of the animals, it is...
  3. W

    To send or not to send out the MM...that is the question...

    Also note, tons of experienced shippers will help you learn to pack, if needs be...cheers!!!
  4. W

    To send or not to send out the MM...that is the question...

    note: had a few beers then posted... any furthuring of genetic lines is worth it... If your male is WC, which a lot of G.rosea are (or were), then extra so...Maybe trade for a different 'ling if you don't want to do a loan...But G. rosea will not always be common, despite what everyone...
  5. W

    Lots of molts

    Nice! Congrats! I just had a molt frenzy too! About a dozen in the past week!
  6. P. Cancerides

    P. Cancerides

    MF @ 6.5 inches...
  7. P. Cancerides

    P. Cancerides

    Female molted 4 days ago at 6 1/2 inch...
  8. B. Boehmi

    B. Boehmi

    Still blurry, no flash...better color...
  9. B. Boehmi

    B. Boehmi

    Blurry fresh female eating...
  10. W

    blue tarantulas?

    I just uploaded a pic of T. plumipes to the genus gallery...I'd also go with any avic if I were you...maybe get a versi and then claim it didn't stay blue and get another one later:wicked:
  11. P. Plattyoma

    P. Plattyoma

    Was V. plattyoma back then (Circa 2001)
  12. T. Blondi

    T. Blondi

    T. blondi female...about 6 inch (she matured at 9 and died about 6 years ago...)
  13. W

    blue tarantulas?

  14. T. Plumipes

    T. Plumipes

    T. plumipes...about 4 inch female
  15. W

    blue tarantulas?

    maybe T. purpureus(sic)?...T.plumipes is definately a brown (not plain boring brown...polished mahogany!) spider...
  16. W

    gonna be busy!

    Very very nice!!! My biggest ever Avic. sac was about 140...and I thought that was huge!
  17. W

    blue tarantulas?

    They're not...they are a nice mahogany brown...beautiful!
  18. W

    Very aggressive pzb

    Maybe it perceived your poke as a threat and was not so much agressive as deffensive? Could be any number of reasons...temp was too high? humidity not right? hungry? I'd probably throw up a threat display if I got poked :razz: Then again...I suppose it would depend on who poked me... Maybe...
  19. W

    Aboreal Tarantula

    Have spaghetti for dinner and buy a jar of parmesan cheese (the powdery kind in the shakeer jar)...easy feed lid, easy to clean, cheap and dual purpose! I use parmesan and spice jars exclusively for arborials...about as cheap and easy as it gets and when clean (no label) look as good as...
  20. W

    Please help!

    With out a molting web, that looks odd...Can't tell if her feet are on the glass from your pic. A spider that's about to molt generally looks like that and a spiders thats about to die generally will curl up though so I'd imagine it's ok...