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  1. AbbyC

    Caribena versicolor

    I have a 1" sling, and he/she is gorgeous! I see a lot of people having trouble with this species, but I've had no issues whatsoever. They always eat and is always out in the open or in their web. Care is not overly complicated, you just need to keep the cage dry. I feed her/him dead crickets as...
  2. AbbyC

    Good first pet beetle?

    Where is the best place to purchase these guys? I like getting my pets at exotic animal expos, but they always lack beetles and I’m having trouble finding an online store.
  3. AbbyC

    Good first pet beetle?

    Was definitely looking into those! They’re at the top of my list with rainbow stag beetles.
  4. AbbyC

    Good first pet beetle?

    hello! So I have quite a collection of animals, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 snake, 2 leopard geckos, 1 axolotl, 3 tarantulas and 5 millepedes. I’ve been wanting to get into the hobby of owning beetles, though unfortunately most don’t seem very long lived. What would you recommend for a first beetle?
  5. AbbyC

    Taming down a King snake??? Tips???

    I usually just try to make sure the snake is aware of my presence when I pick them up, therefore they will not be stressed about being handled. I also find it preferable if the snake is already alert and awake so you will not be startling them.