Search results

  1. T Lurksalot

    Arboreal Gallows

    I have a Versi that does this too sometimes, and he’s nearly 4 inches. I don’t think it’s deliberate in his case, just when he chucks the bolus away sometimes it’s still anchored a bit to his web from the initial wrapping process. It’s not the first time I’ve noticed something like it with this...
  2. T Lurksalot

    How big of a risk is a T running up the tongs?

    Apologies if this has already been mentioned, I didn’t want to read through all that mess earlier in the thread lol, but to anyone concerned about getting prey to feisty arboreals, Red Runners (blatta Lateralis) are a good solution. Just crush the head first and drop them into any convenient...
  3. T Lurksalot

    Currently in level 4 lockdown due to covid-19 and all my crickets are 'contaminated'.

    I can definitely believe pet store crickets might lead to DKS, since it’s really systemic poisoning and flea and tick treatments have been suspected in a lot of reports. I watched an employee at my local Petsmart pet a group of dogs then immediately stick his hands into the cricket tubs to fill...
  4. T Lurksalot

    How to retrieve feeders from shy tarantulas?

    This. It feels cruel to do (though tbh it’s probably no worse than being eaten by a T in the first place), but it makes feeding time immensely easier.
  5. T Lurksalot

    Delayed Shipment - Please Make Me Feel Better

    Jamie’s does a superb job packing, not just insulated boxes but also foil lined inside to reflect long wave radiation, I re-use those boxes for my own cold weather shipping all the time.
  6. T Lurksalot

    Insecure White knee

    Premolt. Every Genic I’ve kept has done exactly the same thing, and it’s literally the only time they refuse food lol.
  7. T Lurksalot questions

    Beware of any seller of slings who says something like “we will try to honor your request for a certain sex but are unable to guarantee it” etc. I’ve seen a few less reputable dealers list their inventory this way but it’s just to take advantage of the less informed, if they really had any...
  8. T Lurksalot

    Trans spider

    Given that the OP made a new account just to post this I’m guessing it’s just trolling of the transphobic variety, they don’t actually believe they have a T that changed sex. Can a mod remove this thread please?
  9. T Lurksalot

    P. regalis Rehouse?

    That’s about 11-12cm DLS right? That’s roughly when I move my Pokies to their adult homes.
  10. T Lurksalot

    Winter time - I will never see them again! ;_;

    My Chalcodes does the same in winter, I think for some species their biological clock just outweighs however warm we keep them.
  11. T Lurksalot

    What is the scariest spider you currently own and why?

    I have a c Marshalli that’s normally perfectly manageable but I rehoused her to her adult enclosure the other day and wow was she angry about it! Stood her ground and postured/slapped and stridulated the whole time. I use long soda straws as prods when I rehouse and every time I brushed her she...
  12. T Lurksalot

    What are your top/favorite "plain" looking species?

    T Albopilosum, the curly hairs are so neat and they tend be very active and interesting T’s to watch, definitely a great display species in spite of their plain black color.
  13. T Lurksalot

    What happens if tarantula eats substrate?

    It’s not just T’s either, all spiders have really neat filter hairs and other structures on the maxillae and rostrum to prevent accidental ingestion of solids. If they couldn’t handle a bit of dirt on prey they wouldn’t last long in the wild, don’t worry they’re well built for what they do :)
  14. T Lurksalot

    Poecilotheria Formosa Husbandry

    I think Metallica tend to grow slightly slower than the others so Formosa would be quicker, size wise they’re in the middle of the range around 7” for an adult female.
  15. T Lurksalot

    New T on payday

    Debate about OW’s aside, I would also suggest considering Psalmopoeus. They’re a great way to get into arboreals and just a fantastic genus all around. The T’s in the poll are all pretty much pet holes with the exception of the Pokie, and Metallica will be awfully expensive when you’re not even...
  16. T Lurksalot

    Any Small(ish) New World Arboreals?

    Good suggestions here, overall there are lots of Aviculariinae and Psalmopoeinae that would be happy in such a space, just make sure that if it’s one of those with the screen lid you swap that out with plexi before using it. Since you’re going to be searching at a Repticon it’s a pretty good bet...
  17. Poecilotheria Miranda 4.5” DLS

    Poecilotheria Miranda 4.5” DLS

    Sold as a female but most recent molt was inconclusive, what do you all think?
  18. T Lurksalot

    OW Gunshy

    Personally I can understand your hesitation, that whole experience sounds awful. I keep baboons (including an OBT) and Pokies and while I’ve never had any of them run up the tongs I’ve read enough such stories to know it can happen. Whenever I need to get within a leg length of any of them with...
  19. T Lurksalot

    How stringent should you be about cleaning out dead feeders?

    Personally if I have a roach still alive (between a few minutes to a few hours depending on what species I’m trying to feed) I’ll fish it out and feed it to someone else. Good feeders cost money, and once you get more than a few T’s in a collection you start becoming mindful of the cost of...
  20. T Lurksalot

    Major differences between similar Poecilotheria? Reasons to own one over another?

    I do prefer to get Pokies that look a little different for the sake of variety. Out of the group that all look similar I also agree that Regalis is the best looking, here’s my 7” female :)