Search results

  1. Inverts of the Valley

    Keeping Pamphobeteus sp Flammifera

    Howdy, from what I've seen and personally experienced, Pamphobeteus generally benefit from higher humidity and plenty of leg room. I've yet to see them burrow so I wouldn't worry about substrate depth.
  2. The Creeper Keeper (Inverts of the Valley)

    The Creeper Keeper (Inverts of the Valley)

    Howdy, I'm a long-time keeper and new AB user. My primary handle on other social media is "The Creeper Keeper", ergo the title of this post.
  3. 0.1 Pterinochilus murinus

    0.1 Pterinochilus murinus

  4. 0.1 Chilobrachys fimbriatus

    0.1 Chilobrachys fimbriatus

    Possibly my favorite genus.
  5. 0.1 Pamphobeteus platyomma

    0.1 Pamphobeteus platyomma

    The colors of this species just do something special for me.
  6. Inverts of the Valley

    Comment by 'Inverts of the Valley' in media 'Sold as Avicularia avicularia'

    From what I gather, M6 don't have ready setae. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. Inverts of the Valley

    Comment by 'Inverts of the Valley' in media 'Avicularia sp.'

    If you got her at a chain pet store I'd say she's an A. avicularia M1. The red setae on the rear legs definitely rule out M6.
  8. 1.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus "Nicaragua"

    1.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus "Nicaragua"

    Some sweet, sweet spider love.
  9. 0.1 Aphonopelma seemanni

    0.1 Aphonopelma seemanni

    Had to apply emergency cornstarch to a leak on her abdomen a few months ago. Happy to say she's doing great now.
  10. Poecilotheria metallica

    Poecilotheria metallica

    Never got around to sexing this one before it died.
  11. 0.1 Poecilotheria striata

    0.1 Poecilotheria striata

    Was absolutely tickled pink after sexing her.
  12. 0.1 Hysterocrates gigas

    0.1 Hysterocrates gigas

    Could someone fill me in on the controversy regarding this species in the hobby?
  13. Inverts of the Valley

    Comment by 'Inverts of the Valley' in media 'B. hamorii'

    Looks like you might actually have a genuine smithi.
  14. Brachypelma boehmei

    Brachypelma boehmei

    Just a juvenile female that I can't wait to see reach maturity.
  15. Haplocosmia himalayana

    Haplocosmia himalayana

    This girl has been in my care for approximately two months now. So far I've noticed: Mild burrowing Moderate webbing Very reclusive Moderate appetite. Would 100% recommend this species to anyone comfortable with old-worlds.
  16. Pterinochilus lugardi

    Pterinochilus lugardi

    My beautiful juvenile female. She's been the polar opposite of her notorious cousin as far as temperament goes. Mild webbing and voracious appetite observed so far.
  17. Theraphosinae sp. Panama

    Theraphosinae sp. Panama

    No need to identify. I just couldn't find another place to upload something that doesn't even have a genus yet. Hopefully that'll be changing soon!