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  1. misuowner

    Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Barely Moving

    I will definitely check out the forum! Thank u for all the help!
  2. misuowner

    Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Barely Moving

    Here she is! Also is there any way to warm her up? I have been keeping a warm bottle under her enclosure and wrapping all of it in blankets and the bottle is warm I replace it every few hours it feels warm but maybe it's not warm enough? Every bit of help is appreciated! Thank u in advance!!
  3. misuowner

    Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Barely Moving

    Hello! I recently purchased a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach and it arrived two days ago and it is cold where i live right now, I live in California but these past few days has been unusually cold. She hasnt moved other than her antenna and sometimes her front pair of legs but the two back ones...