Search results

  1. K

    Opossum as pet?

    Short tailed opossums are readily available in the pet trade if you are interested. As said above, there are many reason to not keep wild opossums.
  2. K

    Androctonus australis + Leirus quinquestriatus kept in same tank?

    Make sure you close the gap on top with the lid on. I would JIC it was able to climb the silicone/ w/e you're going to use to glue on.
  3. K

    Corn snake care

    These animals are easy to care for and the previous posters gave good advice. 20L minimum for adults I wouldn't use any sort fine substrate like soil, peat, or sand. Stick with news paper/paper towels/aspen/other paper product. 80-85 on the hot side. 90 is TOO hot for corns.
  4. K

    A few new eggsacs:

    Grats on the sacs. Very nice use of cork board btw.
  5. K

    Is my Flatrock Scorpion Male or Female?

    Compared to the other pics, the OP's scorp looks very much male.
  6. K

    Bartering and petstores?

    Joe hit the spot. You can also try "I know this tarantula has been here for a year. I'll take it off your hands for <insert amount here> right now."
  7. K

    Worried for my slings not eating

    I feed my slings mealworms (mini or chopped up pieces), pre killed crickets, and cricket drumsticks. All these methods have work more than fine. If none of these work I'd suggest ordering pin heads/fruit flies, or see if they are in premolt.
  8. K

    Id !!!

    I gave it a try and counted 23. I used paint and dotted the ones already counted, might help out a bit.
  9. K

    Sling, dead to live food?

    I usually feed p/k to small slings (.50" and less) or mini mealworms. I have not had a problem w/ the transfer. Just keep offering one every 2-3 days for slings. Edit: I also use cricket drum sticks (hind leg of cricket).
  10. K

    cork bark

    Boil it, should be fine.
  11. K

    Gravid or premolt?

    Arachnoholic420 gave some good advice. Candle light her and you will know.
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    New Addition to the Family

    Looks like a leopard gecko to me..... Some kind of yellow morph, nothing special.
  13. K

    How to train tarantulas for live animal presentations. (NHMLA Video)

    @Hobo I stopped at 2:15 because I died a little inside.
  14. K

    Versi gravid or just fat?

    Have you tried this yet, OxDionysus? This will tell you if she is or not.
  15. K

    What is wrong with my setup?

    Look closer.
  16. K

    Help me sex my Gbb!!

    Looks male but you should get a closer shot to be sure.
  17. K

    [Inquiry] Rony?

    Bump I would like to know as well.
  18. K

    My humble collection

    Very nice. What do you keep them inside of? It looks tall and maze-like.
  19. K

    A somewhat "Interesting" Video

    Vid #1 he's bit on this right index finger. Vid #2 he's bit on the left hand. Anyone other than Kris notice this?