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    Baldfaced Hornet Queens Dolichovespula maculata

    nah sorry for being rude i was just bored and ornery..... sorry. tlielaxu has more experience with waspsand we have a bee and wasp forum at VL.Stop by when you get the chance.
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    I think its chemical sprayer time.

    maybe you could quickly tape the entrance shut at night, cut the branch so it falls into a bag, and quickly drive to a place and untie the bag. theyll chew chew themeselves out eventually.
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    I think its chemical sprayer time.

    just do it at night. But why do you need to kill them?
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    ID Please! Walking Stick or Praying Mantis

    i live in CT and i ve never seen a religiosa but ive seen LOADS of tendora. So ya there common in CT. They were introduced in 1895.
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    It Stared Me Down...then Attacked

    yes but male cicada killers have a " sting" that can pierce weak skin (under nails) ect and have some pretty powerful jaws (they dont hurt, but they do suprise you when you pick them up).
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    Can I Keep Fireflies?

    i have loads of them in my yard.....
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    I need a yellowjacket queen WITH her nest.I will pay up to 30.00 me at [email] thank you in advance:)
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    i have caught a queen dolichovespula maculata ( white faced hornet) and her small nest will post pics soon.:D
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    male T's

    do adult male T's eat?
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    carpenter bees?

    well i mostly keep solitary bees. Tleilaxu would know more about them he's the one that got me started in the paper wasps.In my expierience it's probobly paper wasps.
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    carpenter bees?

    thanks Tleilaxu.It's not as easy as it sounds. The males are extremly dumb and will only drink a 2:1 sugar water mixture. If you want to feed them honey, they have to be forced fed.They only live a week of so away from thier territory.:(
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    carpenter bees?

    i have it's EXTREMELY hard.I also keep a digger bee colony and a paper wasp colony.